Monday, December 23, 2013

Psalm 61:8 So I will sing praises to your name, as I preform my vows day after day.

As the holiday seasons come to an end, and 2013 fades into 2014, I think it's very beneficial to look back over the past year. Be reflective. What worked. What didn't. What prayers were answered. What did God protect me from. Where did He show up big time when I fell short. How have I changed. How have i grown. 

For me, I can answer all of these but it would take blog posts for days. There is one area of my life and my walk that had been heavy on my heart. I have been studying the subject of this post for a couple of weeks. Usually, that doesn't happen for me. I study for a week or for a couple of days and then I feel led to write. This time it is a little bit different, but I know I am writing this post at the perfect time for me and for another. 

Flipping back through my journal, December 3 was the first day I came across the word "vow" in the Bible while I was reading through Psalms. That triggered the thought "vows. original vows. Who are our original vows with?" 

If I asked you who our first original relationship was with or who our original love was with, that seems to make more sense and settle a little easier in understanding. But using the word "vow" even for me challenged me to think a little more and see my relationship with God a little differently. Relationships and love represent a connection. Vow represents work and effort. 

If I threw out the question "when you hear the word vow what comes to mind?" I think a lot of my answers would be very similar (and of course I actually did this. These are real answers I received)

Bride & groom making vows to each other. 
How they are supposed to be kept forever 
Something to always remember and want to remember 
One day one time & then basically forgotten

Being the teacher I am, I of course have to find the real meaning of this word. 

Vow - 
a solemn promise 
Dedicate to someone or something
Voluntary promise to preform or abstain from performing something 

I'll be honest, when I think of vows I think the same things. Marriage, love, husband and wife. Vows are your commitment and voluntary promise to that other person who you make a promise to. That in sickness and in health you hold to those things.

So if we take that word "vow" and apply it to our relationship with Christ, how much more serious would we be? How much more intentional would we be with our time with him? Because realistically vows require us to do something. 

In this time of reflection, I needed a heart check and that's why I feel like God laid this on my heart. Have I made my vows to The Lord my God and performed them (Ps 76:11) or have they been something for me that has been basically forgotten. 

Christ is ultimately our first love. Adam & Eve's first relationships and vows were with God and ours should be also. When we let things come between or hinder our relationship our hearts suffer and other relationships suffer. I don't think we go into a marriage with the viewpoint that we aren't going to do anything and that the love that person has for us is enough. Or that it won't require work but will still remain strong. If we don't have that mentality with a marriage or dating relationship, why would we have that same mentality and thought process in regards to our relationship with God? To remember our first love that will never leave us or forsake us (Deut 31:6), that has a love that surpasses knowledge (Eph 3:19), that went to extreme measures to save us that ultimately will not withhold anything good from us (Romans 8:32) is to know true love and true fulfillment and fullness like no other. Much joy and comfort can come from love (Philemon 1:7) but ultimately the love of another this side of heaven will fail us and fall short. No matter how much they speak your love language or express their love, that person will never truly fill your love tank. No person profession possession or position can ever fill the cup of an empty wounded heart, that is a cup only God can fill and wants to. 

I think in this season of my life, and of course being a female, marriage is a thought heavy on my mind. So as I think of vows for my future husband and keeping those promises to him and fulfilling them to one another, I am reminded that will never be possible if I can't keep my original vows to The Lord and continue to work on my relationship with my first love.  

We each have made vows to God somewhere along our walk with him and as we go into the new year we need to refresh our hearts and minds to what they are. Ask God to create in you a pure heart and steadfast spirit (Ps 51:10) so we can see whether we kept them or not; what helped, worked, or hindered them?

So as you watch 2013 fade into 2014 I challenge you to remember your original vows and your first love. Living close to God requires making him your first love and highest priority. He desires to love you more, better, and deeper ths anybody else. In return, he needs to be first in your life. It's not about works, acts, and checklists. Submit yourself whole heatedly to the maker of your heart, because maybe in this last year you have forsaken your first love (Rev 2:4). 

Best thing is, He is waiting for you with open arms and an open heart. He's just been waiting on you to turn around and come back running. It's never too late.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all!


Sunday, November 17, 2013

1 Corinthians 12:14 For the body does not consist of one member but of many.

Three posts within three weeks. Can't remember the last time this happened. Thankful to have the time to sit still, rain or shine, and just pour out what is on my heart. Usually when I have a post or a topic come to mind I grab my iPad or the computer and rock it out. This time though, I grabbed my journal and wrote it all down. I have actually been sitting on this one for a couple weeks now. Reading some scripture today during service (no I am not always 100% attentive and yes I do flip around and read different parts of scripture around the main stuff) and it fit perfectly with this message. I wanted ts bad to save this for a speaking situation. I just felt like this needed to be heard and seen. I will do my best to make it come alive through this social networking system. 

Usually I don't include a whole section of scripture, but this needs to be read first to set the stage for the picture I am about to draw

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit. For the body does not consist of one member but of many. If the foot should say, “Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,” that would not make it any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would be the sense of hearing? If the whole body were an ear, where would be the sense of smell? But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor, and our unpresentable parts are treated with greater modesty, which our more presentable parts do not require. But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. (1 Corinthians 12:12-24, 27 ESV)

One body. Many members. 

Let's look at the body of Christ like a puzzle, and you are a piece of that puzzle. 

Imagine, for just a minute, that I have handed you a puzzle piece. 

Now you just hold onto that piece. Study it a second (if you feel fancy, google a picture of a puzzle piece and study that) and I am going to put the puzzle together. Without your piece. Is my puzzle complete? No. The only piece that is missing is the one you are holding. The puzzle is incomplete without every piece. Just as the one body is incomplete without it's many members. 

So I asked you to study that imaginary puzzle piece I gave you. Thanks for playing along and being such a good sport. So now describe it to be. 

Many if you probably went 1st with what part of the puzzle it came from. Where it belongs or fits instead of focusing on that piece as an individual.
Maybe you uses words like "weird" or "strange" because of its odd shapes. 
Maybe that piece to you seems insignificant because it's just an edge piece, or doesn't have much of a design on it. 

You know, that piece is exactly the way it should be. If you changed even ONE thing about it, it would no longer be able to fulfill the purpose that it was ultimately created for. Don't you think that the maker of this puzzle knew exactly what they were doing when it gave those pieces the loops and it's little arms and straight edges? 

"Will what is molded say to its molder, why have you made me Iike this?"  Romans 9:20

Now with your imaginary puzzle piece, take it and break off one of its little arms. You wouldn't do that, would you? Because you know that if you tried to put it back with the puzzle it would no longer fit. If you broke a piece of it, it doesn't fully fill its spot and it couldn't fully fulfill its purpose in the puzzle. 

What if I told you that piece represented you? 

Beloved, if you wouldn't do that to that puzzle piece, then why do it to yourself. Why describe yourself compared to others around you? Why label yourself as "weird" or "insignificant"? Why question the way the creator made you? Why try to change things about you? 

If you wouldn't do this to a puzzle piece and you understand how significant this one little piece of cardboard is, then why do it to yourself? 

Like the puzzle piece is unlike any other piece in the entire box, so are you unlike any other. Like the puzzle piece had a special pace, so do you. Like the puzzle piece has a special purpose only it can fulfill, beloved so do you. Like the puzzle would be incomplete without that piece in your hand, the body of Christ would be incomplete without you. 

In Corinthians it says ALL parts matter. ALL parts are significant. No hand can replace the foot. No ear is less worthy than the eye. The parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable. 

All. Parts. Matter. 
You matter. You, beloved are fearfully and wonderfully made. Nobody, and I mean nobody was better created for what you do, than you. You have a special calling. 

Just as no puzzle piece can replace another, no person could ever replace you. Embrace who you are and where your worth comes from so you can stand firm on the foundation, and fulfill your part of the body. 

For the body does not consist of one, but of many members and the body is incomplete without all members. 


Sunday, November 10, 2013

1 Peter 2:9 (NIV) But you are a chosen people... God's special possession.

Time has changed, the fall season has clearly been skipped 6 out of 7 days of the week, and earlier darkness leads to more time to sit and study. I don't just study random things. I study things that I crave an answer for. Right now that topic is self worth. Just about every one of my blog posts stems from sort of study I have done. So here we go. 

[Disclaimer : No this post is not me fishing. So lets establish now you don't have to be searching for a hook to bite. I am a woman, and therefore I know I am not the only one who is or has struggled with the area of self worth. My blog posts are to grow my knowledge and understanding as well as reach the heart of another. ]

My current read aside from the Bible of course is "What Happens When Young Women Say Yes to God" by Lysa Terkeurst.  (side note--I chose the young women version simply for the way it is written and I am surrounded by young women. ) I also read Jesus Calling each morning and some scripture from the Bible.  All of three of these have been a fantastic help in my study on this topic. If you want to find your self worth, I urge you not to look to those around you or to look to the world around you. Look for tools that can sharpen your understanding of what the word says about you. So here we are with another world vs word topic. 

I am going to create a picture for you. Imagine you are standing in a room and you have two mirrors to look into. You cannot look into both mirrors at the same time. If you turn to your right and look into that mirror, your back is to the mirror on the left. If you turn to your left and look into that mirror, your back is to the mirror on the right. Can you see it? I know you are thinking, okay... get to the point please? That mirror on your right, is Christ's mirror. How HE sees you, defines you, and pictures you. That mirror on your left is the mirror of the world. How the world sees you, defines you, and pictures you. If you are looking at yourself in regards to the world's mirror, your back is turned to God and you can't even get a glimpse of how He sees you. If you are looking at yourself in regards to Christ's mirror, your back is to the world's mirror and you can't get even a little glimpse of how the world defines and sees you.  

So you can make a decision; do you want to keep your eyes on God, and your back turned to the world, or your eyes on the world and your back turned to God? 

Let me elaborate more on what I have learned and studied to see if that might help you understand a little better which mirror is the best to look at. I am going to type exactly what I have written to myself in my journal. All of these books I have read, along with the Bible, & Marcus Hayes message, God all used together to speak His truth. I am a firm believer that God uses people to speak truth to us. I love it when so many parts of scripture and words of wisdom from others piece together the perfect puzzle of HIS truth.  

"God you designed this journey for me, and this journey cannot be lived out by anyone else. God you made it for me. God you made me as a special, nobody else like me young woman & He has a plan for me life. My family knows me and my quirky habits, and my friends may share common interests, but nobody else is taking MY steps through the day. Nobody else is equipped to carry my load, and I am not equipped to carry another  All of my circumstances in life are, were, and will be hand picked specifically for me. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. In your books were written, everyone of them the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them (Psalm 139:14&16). For each one will have to bear his own load (Galatians 6:5). Who are you to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to it's molder "Why have you made me like this?" (Romans 9:20). Set your mind on the things that are above not the things that are on earth (Colossians 3:2). For the mind set on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6). Things of this world and from the flesh do not and should not control my sense of worth, value, security, or joy. God's love is responsible for those. God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). For I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor present or things to come nor powers nor height depth or anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from that love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39). Never let the compliments of others go to your head or their criticisms go to your heart. Avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations, and seek only God's commendation. Give thanks to God always, because He is faithful. He will sustain you (1 Corinthians 1:4 & 8-9). Don't lose heart. May he strengthen me with power through HIS spirit in my inner being (Ephesians 3:13&16). Strengthen me in who I am in YOU Lord. Give me strength to make it through this life. Strengthen my inner being to make it through this journey you handcrafted for me. "

What is handcrafted? What does that mean? 

handmade (adj)
made by hand, not by machine & typically therefore of superior quality

Read that word again, superior. 

Because I am a chosen people and one of God's special possessions, He handmade me, every step I take and every breath I take. 

Think about it this way.
Everything that has ever happened to you or will happen. Every hair on your head. Every freckle on your cheeks. Every scar. Every inch of height or pound of weight. Every little mark on your face that you wish you could change that nobody but you sees. Every inch of your thighs. Every downfall in life. Every dark day. Every light day. Every tear. Every smile. Every laugh. Everything about you and everything that has ever happened to you or will happen to you in life was handmade for YOU and nobody but you. God only made one you. Nobody else will ever be able to carry your load or walk through your steps each day. Nobody else will ever be able to be a better you than you. Nobody. You are God's special possession that He loves. 

So it's your choice; which mirror are you going to choose to look at yourself in? The world's mirror or the Lord's mirror?

I prefer to look into a mirror that will tell me that my thighs are exactly the size they were crafted to be, not be told they are too big. I want to look into the mirror that showers me with love, not hate. I want to look into the mirror that will tell me I am worth far more than I could ever imagine. I want to look into a mirror that tells me every part of me is a divine creation of things that were brought together for a special purpose, not the mirror that will do anything to tear every part of me down. 

A sweet friend allowed the Lord to speak through them, and they said to me "You are worth more than you could ever imagine, and God is using you in a powerful way." That truth and the truth from my studying is a sweet whisper reminding me of where my worth comes from. I pray it reaches a heart of another the way it has mine, because beloved.. you are worthy


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Sunday, November 3, 2013

2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you."

On this beautiful fall Sunday I chose to sport my new "Grace" tshirt from JCLU; so what better day to talk about grace than today? This too has been a topic heavy on my heart and mind.

So first off, what is the meaning of this 5 letter word grace that tends to mingle among the other words in our praise and worship songs..

According to the dictionary (aka internet & because real paper copies of that thing are few and far between, y'all) says that grace is both a noun and a verb. That grace is 

1. Simple elegance or refinement of movement
2. The free & unmerited favor of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners & the bestowal of blessings. 

Unmerited : not deserved or worthy of
Favor : act of kindness beyond what is due 

Grace is such an awesome thing. Grace is so much more than a word. So much deeper than the words "unmerited favor."

About a year ago, I came across a book by Andy Stankey called "The Grace of God" & although I haven't finished it, I have learned some powerful things about grace from it.

Grace is not reserved for good people; grace underscores the goodness of God -- grace is free for everyone.
Grace acknowledges the full implication of sin & yet doesnot condem.
Grace creates the possibility of good things happening to undeserving people. 
Grace is bigger and there is no equivalent. 
Grace is what is craved most when guilt is exposed.


Not wanted. Wished for. Hoped for. Longed for. Craved. We crave grace. 

We are the undeserving, and are the ones craving. So my question is, if we are to mirror Christ and we want the grace He extends, because there is nothing equivalent, then why don't we extend grace to others? 
Luke 6:38 says "give and it shall be given to you"
We crave grace, but are slow to extend it. 

To me, grace means so much more than its definition. That amazing grace & unfailing love transcends into Girls Reaching Another in Christian Encouragement. Read that again if you didn't catch it. GRACE. (Yes there is an extra "I" in there, but relax.. We will let it slide) 

If you know me, or know my heart, or can tell a little about my passions by my posts, then you know I have a heart for reaching the woman of today and trying to change the way they think about themselves and each other.

As a woman, our struggles, desires, joys, and hoped aren't especially unique to us. There is a good chance what we are struggling with as a woman that somebody close to us is going through the something similar if not the same thing. So what I don't get is WHY women young and old are so awful to each other. 

If we understand how delicate our hearts, spiritus, and souls are, why don't we extend more grace. 

It's not about the person, it's about God's unfailing love. Graces has no limits. Grace has no boundaries. 
Grace has no limits. 
No. Limits.
Read that again. 
No. Limits.

God does not withhold His grace from for us for anything. Not because we are wearing the same shoes as he is, because he is having and off day and blames it on his hormones, because we took the friend he wants or somebody has made him feel inferior, unwanted, or unappreciated.

If we are to mirror Christ, then the grace we extend to others should have no limits as well. We need to extend what we crave. Give and it will be given to you. 

So I challenge you to be a Girl Reaching Another in Christian Encouragement. Practice the unmerited favor in all circumstances. Quit being nasty for one second & quit looking for reasons to excuse or justify you being nasty to another woman because, "grace is not reserved for good people; Grace is for everyone." 
& just FYI; fellas that read this, this doesn't exempt you from extending or practicing grace just because you aren't a girl. That "G" can stand for "Guys" too. 
It's not about the person. It's not about you. It's about who has your heart. It's about who you represent. It's about who you are to mirror in all that you do. It's about God & His limitless, unconditional, unfailing love. 

Crave grace. Extend grace. Receive grace. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

James 3:8 but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Taming the Tongue

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man,able also to bridle his whole body. If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things.
How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! And the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life,[a] and set on fire by hell.[b]For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, but no human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.

Usually when I write, I don't use this big of a section of scripture. I felt like I needed to include all of this though. So much would be lost from this without the whole section. Love the teachings from the book of James. 

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A lot of the time, we forget how powerful our words our. We forget the things we save have such an impact on those around us. Usually it takes somebody saying something to you, to really catch your attention on that. 

I have to be so careful with the things I say. I pour into 75 very influential adolescents. 5 days a week. 5 hours a day. 

for those of you that have never really worked with or been around adolescents... they remember EVERYTHING. and I mean everything. They also will say anything and everything that pops into their minds. 

You have to choose your words wisely because you can either make or break their spirits. So easily a relationship can be severed with a student. 

Love how in this section of James it even talks about being a teacher. It is only a calling for a few. Not only that though, but then it rolls into taming the tongue. How often do you really THINK before you speak.

I spend a lot of time mediating such unsweet words from one kiddo to another, & I have to redirect them to my expectations for them and the class rules. I so often have to remind them to THINK before they speak.

We only encourage each other. We are kind and considerate. Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it going to build them up or tear them down. 

"The Boss" (that's me by the way. Yes I let the kids call me that, and encourage it... hey who doesn't like a little bit of a confidence boost?!) had a conversation with an entire class last week. 1 on character and the fruit of the spirit/the fruit their bear, and 2 one about how powerful the tongue is. I try to pull in scripture to my discipline as much as possible without stating where it comes from. 

So I just actually had a conversation with 25 preteens about how powerful their tongues are, using the scripture from James about the tongue, not thinking that is a conversation that still needed to be had with others. It is so easily forgotten how powerful words are. 

I love the quote posted above. It is so true. How careful would we speak if our words hurt us too? 

I would have to say that I definitely have to constantly be more conscious of my word choice and tone, but forget how powerful words are until I have been burnt by somebody else's tongue and words. 

Use what I share with my kiddos:

" We only encourage each other. We are kind and considerate. Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it going to build them up or tear them down. "

I challenge you think before you speak. Think about how it might effect the other involved. Because "the tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. The tongue is set among our members, staining the whole body, setting on fire the entire course of life,[a] and set on fire by hell" (v6) Your words are way more powerful than you think. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Psalm 139:12 Even the darkness is not dark to You, And the night is as bright as the day. Darkness and light are alike to You.

Happy (early morning) Birthday post!

I say it a lot, but I love to write. I feel like I learn so much more when I just put all my thoughts into words. Even though they aren't my words or my thoughts. Usually a song, a verse, or a message just gives me that little kick that says 

"yes. write."

In this case, the song that is on this post is the one that gave me that yes. Plus it's my birthday (I don't know about you, but I'm not really sure I'm feeling the same way T Swift does about 22) and I really like to take a step back and reflect.

This time last year, I was taking classes in Boone still. Now, I have my own class. 
The transition from 21 to 22 was not a smooth transition, nor an easy one, and by no means always a beautiful one.

The cool part is, over this past year, through those struggles, through those dark not so pretty times; God was really shaping my heart and moving in my life in big ways. 

side note - I am afraid of the dark. 

& I know some of you are thinking, "what the heck. she is 22 and afraid of the dark? how crazy." 

Yes. I do not like the dark. I have a jacked up mind and it sometimes likes to tell me that there are things out there that will get me when the light isn't on. I am more afraid of the dark in a sense of like, the absence of light, home alone kind of way. But this past year, I was at times afraid of the dark that was in my life. 

Those dark times I walked through this past year were the best. (yes the best)

I love analogies. & those of you that always poke fun cause I alwaaayys have a story for everything, that's called effective teaching haha (or at least that is what I tell myself)

 I don't know about you, but imagine how you feel when you are in a stressful situation (like for me, making it from my truck into the house when it is super dark outside) It's like an adrenaline rush. Makes me feel kind of alive & powerful because I made it through the darkness and overcame that struggle. 

That's what those dark times in my life did for me. Once I got through those dark times (because, yes they do end) It began to give me a new perspective. So having the new perspective I have now after God has shaped and changed my heart so much by walking me through those dark times, I can reflect back on what I walked through this past year and see how beneficial it was, see God was always there, and share. 

darkness has 2 definitions;
    - the absence of light
    - evil or wickedness

I love how in Psalms it says that even the darkness is not dark to God.  Darkness & light are the same to Him, because He is the light. 

Those dark times when we feel like we are alone. Or we feel like they never will end. They will. We see them as dark times, and God sees them as times to shine His light into our life. 

Darkness and light are the same to Him because is always there, even when we feel like He isn't. He is the light, and the protector from all things evil. In closeness with Him, we are safe. 

Maybe you are currently in a darkness, my best advice is to keep looking for His light. Because He is there. He is using those dark times so He can shine His light in your life.  

Struggles make you stronger. & darkness makes you appreciate that light just a little bit more.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Proverbs 8:34 Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.

I have always said that when I write, it is definitely not from me & they are not my words. This English teacher here, failed the HS writing test twice. Hello bad writer. God has turned that weakness around and used it for His glory. I love to write now, and sometimes I just get this pounding in my heart and the words just flow. Those of you that know me, know I talk a lot a lot. So when I write, it happens all the same. This one may be a long one, but if you are going to start this thing, I urge to read it all.

Watching the video for the 3rd week of my 10 week study, I just got this pounding in my chest and had to write. &I remembered I had taken some notes previously on Proverbs 8:29-30. I stumbled across it doing my quiet time at the beach one night, and it fits perfectly into my dating study. 

(Side note---- Yes, I am doing a 10 week dating study. After some things in my past, God had laid circumstances into place so I would be directed back to Him with a broken heart that only HE could piece back together. He wanted me to be so vulnerable to Him and His teaching. Yes, 10 is a random # but that's okay. I have found 10 weeks of studying that I am doing.)

As I am doing this dating study and watching this video today by Andy Stanley-- New rules for love sex & dating... its the third week and it is talking about honoring God with our body. Our bodies do not belong to us anyways. It says in 1 Corinthians that our bodies were bought for a price, and in Romans 12:1 it says that the greatest spiritual worship is to offer our bodies a s living sacrifice. 

Ok so what does that mean -- 
that means God has given us boundaries. He bought our bodies and lives with a price. So the least we can do is obey the boundaries He has given us. 

these are my notes I wrote on this section

Boundaries are key

In proverbs 8, starting in 29 it talks about God giving the sea its boundaries not to overstep His command.
God gives us boundaries for a reason. We have guidelines to follow for  reason. What a mess it would be if the sea had no boundaries--there would be no land. 

in 2 Timothy 3:16 it says all scripture (all of God's words, teachings, boundaries) is God breathed & is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, & training in righteouness v17, so man of God can be equipped for every good work. 

The sea has a good work to do -- but it cannot be done if it does not have & obey boundaries. 

Genesis 1: verses 9 & 20 show us a little about the water/seas good work 
Let the water be gathered in one place and let the dry ground appear (He separates & gives the boundaries like in Job 38 when he shuts the sea behind doors) Let the water teem with living creatures. 

We all know what water does & that water is a need. Water replenishes, cleans, helps make things new, helps things grow. That is the good work of the sea & water.

If God never gave the sea boundaries, it wouldn't have a special job. & what happens when water oversteps its given boundaries... disaster. Flood & loss. Loss of beautiful living things that were set to grow and flourish within their own boundaries. 

So-- you may be thinking, what the world do water, sea, and boundaries of water & land have to do with me...

We have God given desires to be in relationships. That is one of God's thumbprints on our hearts.
We have boundaries within those relationships. Whether they are friendships or something more. 
We have boundaries. God gave them to us. 
You can be the sea and that person in the relationship with you can be the land (lovely picture you have in your head right now I am sure... but bear with me)
You (the sea) know your boundaries (those relationship ones.. honor your body and those similar) & you are the sea shut behind the door & God says in Proverbs 8:34 "blessed are those who listen to me watching, and waiting at my doorway" (you know, that door he shut you behind as a boundary). 
Well one day you are in a situation, and you overstep your boundary. You have now flooded the land. Not only have you busted that door down & not waited and listened to God, but you have just flooded the land. What happens when it floods... disaster. Loss of life. 
The land (the other person in your relationship) has a specific purpose & boundaries itself. But now that you have overstepped your boundaries, you have messed with their boundaries as well. Now there is damage to the land. 

Okay--science teacher stepping in for a second
overtime sea levels have changed & erosion has occurred. Overtime, because the water has overstepped its boundaries, it isn't even sure where its boundaries really are. Overtime, the land isn't even sure where its boundaries really are. Overtime the boundaries change. 

Boundaries are key. 

The sea & the land don't have to be you and another person. The sea & the land can alone be you. The sea the worldly human flesh desires, and the land your soul. When the worldly human flesh desires creep in more and more and the boundaries are overstepped and moved and confused, it is eroding the soul. When you are overstepping the boundaries God set ups for us, you are hurting yourself. Once you overstep boundaries with yourself, and slowly erode your soul.. it will be easy to overstep somebody else's boundaries and begin to cause erosion there too. 

Soooo, after this heartfelt post, that may not even clearly make sense to all of my two blog readers, I just urge you to pay attention to guidelines & boundaries God has put into place for you. All of God's Word is to help you. Help equip you for the good work He has created you for. 

so just as the sea has a good work to do that cannot be done if it doesn't have specific boundaries that are set up so it doesn't overstep it's command... don't overstep your boundaries.

plus-- how special and valuable and precious is water if it can be found just anywhere? think about it. 

Wait at the doorway. Don't overstep the boundaries God has set up for you in relationships, because when you do that, when you overstep His command, you are hurting others as well as yourself. 

Blessed are the ones who wait at the doorway. Blessed are the ones waiting at the boundary God has set up for you. 


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Philippians 4:6-7 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Last post, I updated all one million blog readers I have, that I got a job. 

Yay hurray! A "big girl" job! 

Well this past week I have had the chance to get in my dusty organized awesome class room & get started!

Now, lets just get this out in the open... I am by no means a classroom guru. However, I have prayed a BUNCH about how to go about setting up the room. I have prayed about everything from colors to use, to how I set up the student desks, and the room in general.

Day #1 #PanicCity (and yes, I did just use a # in my blog post)

I can tell you that I did not stress at all, all of the praying worked and I set my classroom up in ONE day; but that would be a huge lie & nobody likes liars... I started to stress A LOT. 

I have worked four thousand days; and here is how the timeline played out

Monday- Panic, stress, & A trip to walmart, staples, dollar tree, office max, AND office depot
Tuesday- More panic, stress, anxiety, & TWO trips to walmart, staples, & dollar tree in the same day.
Wednesday - less stress and panic, slowed down a bit, prayed a lot and just kept planning. 
Thursday - excited to go work, finally receive a teaching desk (who would have thought that might be a necessity), and walked out by lunch time un-panicked, 

Wednesday evening, worn, tired, and bogged down is when things all seemed to click. Things were falling into place. Things didn't happen immediately like I had wanted, or exactly how I wanted, but I got to see God working in me & in my room. He had worked all those annoying quick trips to a million a few stores, picking up super random things here and there, and the chaos all fell into place

I won't lie though, and I will tell you I did sort of expect things to just happen, on my time line, & the way I wanted. #howarrogant #selfish
(I am practicing my social media skills here people, since I am slowly crawling out of my pinterest & blog only hole and back into the facebook/twitter world) 

Things don't and won't ever work out like I expect, because my little brain can only see the right now & the current need want. 

I became so humbled at the fact God gave me a little peak at what He was doing. That whisper saying, "I have better, just wait.  Be patient" is the hardest thing to hear, but its stinkin awesome. 

It was a little reality check--

"ok Brooke. This isn't about you. This isn't about another teacher. This isn't about living up to that standard you set for yourself. This isn't about turning your room into a Pinterest factory. Trust me. It isn't about you. It's about Me. It's about the kids. Keep letting me work through you, but slow down & embrace the moment instead of just trying to race through. Stop worrying, keep close with me & I will give you peace and guidance." 

So, with my worship music playlist "turnt up"... Justice League hall & bathroom passes are in place. The teacher corner is set up. The desks are in rows & pods. Twitter board is ready to roll. Student data & "Growing Learner" board is working it's way up. Posters are working their way to the walls (AND sadly to the floor, more times than I would alike to allow. Thanks to every maker of puddy tape velcro & all that dadgum stuff that does NOT work for longer than, say... 10 minutes.. & is a big ole patience tester) & my word wall trees are going up Monday, Lord willing. 

Thankful for His guidance. Blessed & humbled that in a few short weeks I will be "teaching tweens in 128" and FINALLY getting paid to do so. 

Can't wait to see what God has in the works for me.

Here are some pictures of my beautiful 128 in progress! 
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Humbled, excited, overjoyed, & almooost ready for my 6th graders! - B

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Romans 12:12 (NLT) Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful.

So the cat is out of the bag now... 

I'm a counselor clown nurse doctor police officer psychic decorator  teacher! Signed my paperwork yesterday & got my official "Henderson  County Public Schools" badge! (which my dad boastfully wore around his neck, reminding me that he paid a little a LOT of money for that badge) 

When I set out on my job hunt, I was looking for 3 specific things

1- A Buncombe County school
2- An upper middle grades spot (7th or 8th)
3- An English Language Arts position

what I scored...

1- A different County 
2- A 6th grade spot
3- A Science & Social Studies position 

but nonetheless, I am thankful for what God is doing and where He is leading me. I am glad for all God is planning for me (Romans 12:12a)

Love how we think we know what we want and what is best for us, but God really knows what is going on. 

The best part of God being in control & trusting Him with stuff, is the reassurance that He is working all things together for our good. Not a few things, not just one thing, all things. (Romans 8:28) 

all-/ôl/ adverb/noun
       used to refer to the whole quantity 

He works all things together for our good. How awesome is it that He wants nothing short of the best for us?!  He can see the whole picture. He is Omniscient. 

I am following His calling for me to serve and teach, and He promises in Romans 8:28 that because I love him & am following His purpose for me that it will all work out for good in the end. So this is going to be a good school year, and a good job for me even though it is the exact opposite of what I was looking for. Trusting He answered my prayer to lead me to the right school & students for me.

I am so stinkin excited to teach, and have my own rules, and my own kiddos, and my own class, and my own room! I have seen what could be my room, but I haven't had the chance to start working in it yet. BUT that doesn't stop me from praying, planning, and preparing!

I have been praying A LOT  A LOT A LOT.
for my classroom
for myself as a teacher
& for my future kiddos

just been asking God to prepare my heart for them, and prepare their hearts for me. Been praying about everything from colors to use, curriculum & lessons to use, to the way my desks are arranged in the room & my room is set up.

I found these prayers & they are awesome!

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AND like any good teacher would, I have been using a little A LOT of pinterest; & like any good first year teacher, I am extremely nervous. There will be good days & there will be bad days, but I will strive to be patient in the troubles & when things don't go my way & keep praying through it all! (Romans 12:12b&c)

But Hey, a little encouragement along the way never hurts.
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Needless to say, I am very excited about the adventure I am about to embark on with my 100 6th grade preteens. Can't wait to share pictures  and stories from the adventure! Can't wait to see what God does!

Whatever your situation may be, whatever or wherever you are right now

be glad for all God is planning for you
be patient in the trouble or when things aren't exactly like you want
& keep praying. 

He has it all figured out. 

(& now officially Ms. Reed)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Psalms 61:2, 3 ESV from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.

One year. I've had this blog for a whole year. 

35 posts and a year later a lot has changed. 

New friendships started, friendships ended, families growing, marriages, babies, a big move back home, a college graduation, a few different jobs and a million more things.

One thing that hasn't changed a whole lot though, is what I write in my blog posts. 

There is a common theme throughout them all. 

Even a year later, I am still patiently (at least that is what I would label it as) waiting for patience. 
I am in a constant battle with myself to see things in a positive way, and not always see the bad and only soak up the bad.

Obviously, change takes time. A year later and I am still trying, still working, and still waiting. 

Patiently waiting for patience. 

Patience to wait on God's time. Patience to wait on God's plan. 

Change takes time. 

When it seems like nothing is going right, & you're still drowning in your struggles.. Don't give up. Ive learned things take time. 

Don't wave that white flag just yet. 
Keep hanging on and waiting for God. 

A year later and I am still fighting the same spiritual battles, but I believe God is using this for something bigger than I can understand. 

When things get harder, I will work harder and pray even harder. 

Don't give up just yet because things aren't how you pictured, or thought they would be.