So first off, what is the meaning of this 5 letter word grace that tends to mingle among the other words in our praise and worship songs..
According to the dictionary (aka internet & because real paper copies of that thing are few and far between, y'all) says that grace is both a noun and a verb. That grace is
1. Simple elegance or refinement of movement
2. The free & unmerited favor of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners & the bestowal of blessings.
Unmerited : not deserved or worthy of
Favor : act of kindness beyond what is due
Grace is such an awesome thing. Grace is so much more than a word. So much deeper than the words "unmerited favor."
About a year ago, I came across a book by Andy Stankey called "The Grace of God" & although I haven't finished it, I have learned some powerful things about grace from it.
Grace is not reserved for good people; grace underscores the goodness of God -- grace is free for everyone.
Grace acknowledges the full implication of sin & yet doesnot condem.
Grace creates the possibility of good things happening to undeserving people.
Grace is bigger and there is no equivalent.
Grace is what is craved most when guilt is exposed.
Not wanted. Wished for. Hoped for. Longed for. Craved. We crave grace.
We are the undeserving, and are the ones craving. So my question is, if we are to mirror Christ and we want the grace He extends, because there is nothing equivalent, then why don't we extend grace to others?
Luke 6:38 says "give and it shall be given to you"
We crave grace, but are slow to extend it.
To me, grace means so much more than its definition. That amazing grace & unfailing love transcends into Girls Reaching Another in Christian Encouragement. Read that again if you didn't catch it. GRACE. (Yes there is an extra "I" in there, but relax.. We will let it slide)
If you know me, or know my heart, or can tell a little about my passions by my posts, then you know I have a heart for reaching the woman of today and trying to change the way they think about themselves and each other.
As a woman, our struggles, desires, joys, and hoped aren't especially unique to us. There is a good chance what we are struggling with as a woman that somebody close to us is going through the something similar if not the same thing. So what I don't get is WHY women young and old are so awful to each other.
If we understand how delicate our hearts, spiritus, and souls are, why don't we extend more grace.
It's not about the person, it's about God's unfailing love. Graces has no limits. Grace has no boundaries.
Grace has no limits.
No. Limits.
Read that again.
No. Limits.
God does not withhold His grace from for us for anything. Not because we are wearing the same shoes as he is, because he is having and off day and blames it on his hormones, because we took the friend he wants or somebody has made him feel inferior, unwanted, or unappreciated.
If we are to mirror Christ, then the grace we extend to others should have no limits as well. We need to extend what we crave. Give and it will be given to you.
So I challenge you to be a Girl Reaching Another in Christian Encouragement. Practice the unmerited favor in all circumstances. Quit being nasty for one second & quit looking for reasons to excuse or justify you being nasty to another woman because, "grace is not reserved for good people; Grace is for everyone."
& just FYI; fellas that read this, this doesn't exempt you from extending or practicing grace just because you aren't a girl. That "G" can stand for "Guys" too.
It's not about the person. It's not about you. It's about who has your heart. It's about who you represent. It's about who you are to mirror in all that you do. It's about God & His limitless, unconditional, unfailing love.
Crave grace. Extend grace. Receive grace.
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