Time has changed, the fall season has clearly been skipped 6 out of 7 days of the week, and earlier darkness leads to more time to sit and study. I don't just study random things. I study things that I crave an answer for. Right now that topic is self worth. Just about every one of my blog posts stems from sort of study I have done. So here we go.
[Disclaimer : No this post is not me fishing. So lets establish now you don't have to be searching for a hook to bite. I am a woman, and therefore I know I am not the only one who is or has struggled with the area of self worth. My blog posts are to grow my knowledge and understanding as well as reach the heart of another. ]
My current read aside from the Bible of course is "What Happens When Young Women Say Yes to God" by Lysa Terkeurst. (side note--I chose the young women version simply for the way it is written and I am surrounded by young women. ) I also read Jesus Calling each morning and some scripture from the Bible. All of three of these have been a fantastic help in my study on this topic. If you want to find your self worth, I urge you not to look to those around you or to look to the world around you. Look for tools that can sharpen your understanding of what the word says about you. So here we are with another world vs word topic.
I am going to create a picture for you. Imagine you are standing in a room and you have two mirrors to look into. You cannot look into both mirrors at the same time. If you turn to your right and look into that mirror, your back is to the mirror on the left. If you turn to your left and look into that mirror, your back is to the mirror on the right. Can you see it? I know you are thinking, okay... get to the point please? That mirror on your right, is Christ's mirror. How HE sees you, defines you, and pictures you. That mirror on your left is the mirror of the world. How the world sees you, defines you, and pictures you. If you are looking at yourself in regards to the world's mirror, your back is turned to God and you can't even get a glimpse of how He sees you. If you are looking at yourself in regards to Christ's mirror, your back is to the world's mirror and you can't get even a little glimpse of how the world defines and sees you.
So you can make a decision; do you want to keep your eyes on God, and your back turned to the world, or your eyes on the world and your back turned to God?
Let me elaborate more on what I have learned and studied to see if that might help you understand a little better which mirror is the best to look at. I am going to type exactly what I have written to myself in my journal. All of these books I have read, along with the Bible, & Marcus Hayes message, God all used together to speak His truth. I am a firm believer that God uses people to speak truth to us. I love it when so many parts of scripture and words of wisdom from others piece together the perfect puzzle of HIS truth.
"God you designed this journey for me, and this journey cannot be lived out by anyone else. God you made it for me. God you made me as a special, nobody else like me young woman & He has a plan for me life. My family knows me and my quirky habits, and my friends may share common interests, but nobody else is taking MY steps through the day. Nobody else is equipped to carry my load, and I am not equipped to carry another All of my circumstances in life are, were, and will be hand picked specifically for me. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. In your books were written, everyone of them the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them (Psalm 139:14&16). For each one will have to bear his own load (Galatians 6:5). Who are you to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to it's molder "Why have you made me like this?" (Romans 9:20). Set your mind on the things that are above not the things that are on earth (Colossians 3:2). For the mind set on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace (Romans 8:6). Things of this world and from the flesh do not and should not control my sense of worth, value, security, or joy. God's love is responsible for those. God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). For I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor present or things to come nor powers nor height depth or anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from that love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:38-39). Never let the compliments of others go to your head or their criticisms go to your heart. Avoid comparisons, resist exaggerations, and seek only God's commendation. Give thanks to God always, because He is faithful. He will sustain you (1 Corinthians 1:4 & 8-9). Don't lose heart. May he strengthen me with power through HIS spirit in my inner being (Ephesians 3:13&16). Strengthen me in who I am in YOU Lord. Give me strength to make it through this life. Strengthen my inner being to make it through this journey you handcrafted for me. "
What is handcrafted? What does that mean?
handmade (adj)
made by hand, not by machine & typically therefore of superior quality.
Read that word again, superior.
Because I am a chosen people and one of God's special possessions, He handmade me, every step I take and every breath I take.
Think about it this way.
Everything that has ever happened to you or will happen. Every hair on your head. Every freckle on your cheeks. Every scar. Every inch of height or pound of weight. Every little mark on your face that you wish you could change that nobody but you sees. Every inch of your thighs. Every downfall in life. Every dark day. Every light day. Every tear. Every smile. Every laugh. Everything about you and everything that has ever happened to you or will happen to you in life was handmade for YOU and nobody but you. God only made one you. Nobody else will ever be able to carry your load or walk through your steps each day. Nobody else will ever be able to be a better you than you. Nobody. You are God's special possession that He loves.
So it's your choice; which mirror are you going to choose to look at yourself in? The world's mirror or the Lord's mirror?
I prefer to look into a mirror that will tell me that my thighs are exactly the size they were crafted to be, not be told they are too big. I want to look into the mirror that showers me with love, not hate. I want to look into the mirror that will tell me I am worth far more than I could ever imagine. I want to look into a mirror that tells me every part of me is a divine creation of things that were brought together for a special purpose, not the mirror that will do anything to tear every part of me down.
A sweet friend allowed the Lord to speak through them, and they said to me "You are worth more than you could ever imagine, and God is using you in a powerful way." That truth and the truth from my studying is a sweet whisper reminding me of where my worth comes from. I pray it reaches a heart of another the way it has mine, because beloved.. you are worthy.
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