Monday, December 23, 2013

Psalm 61:8 So I will sing praises to your name, as I preform my vows day after day.

As the holiday seasons come to an end, and 2013 fades into 2014, I think it's very beneficial to look back over the past year. Be reflective. What worked. What didn't. What prayers were answered. What did God protect me from. Where did He show up big time when I fell short. How have I changed. How have i grown. 

For me, I can answer all of these but it would take blog posts for days. There is one area of my life and my walk that had been heavy on my heart. I have been studying the subject of this post for a couple of weeks. Usually, that doesn't happen for me. I study for a week or for a couple of days and then I feel led to write. This time it is a little bit different, but I know I am writing this post at the perfect time for me and for another. 

Flipping back through my journal, December 3 was the first day I came across the word "vow" in the Bible while I was reading through Psalms. That triggered the thought "vows. original vows. Who are our original vows with?" 

If I asked you who our first original relationship was with or who our original love was with, that seems to make more sense and settle a little easier in understanding. But using the word "vow" even for me challenged me to think a little more and see my relationship with God a little differently. Relationships and love represent a connection. Vow represents work and effort. 

If I threw out the question "when you hear the word vow what comes to mind?" I think a lot of my answers would be very similar (and of course I actually did this. These are real answers I received)

Bride & groom making vows to each other. 
How they are supposed to be kept forever 
Something to always remember and want to remember 
One day one time & then basically forgotten

Being the teacher I am, I of course have to find the real meaning of this word. 

Vow - 
a solemn promise 
Dedicate to someone or something
Voluntary promise to preform or abstain from performing something 

I'll be honest, when I think of vows I think the same things. Marriage, love, husband and wife. Vows are your commitment and voluntary promise to that other person who you make a promise to. That in sickness and in health you hold to those things.

So if we take that word "vow" and apply it to our relationship with Christ, how much more serious would we be? How much more intentional would we be with our time with him? Because realistically vows require us to do something. 

In this time of reflection, I needed a heart check and that's why I feel like God laid this on my heart. Have I made my vows to The Lord my God and performed them (Ps 76:11) or have they been something for me that has been basically forgotten. 

Christ is ultimately our first love. Adam & Eve's first relationships and vows were with God and ours should be also. When we let things come between or hinder our relationship our hearts suffer and other relationships suffer. I don't think we go into a marriage with the viewpoint that we aren't going to do anything and that the love that person has for us is enough. Or that it won't require work but will still remain strong. If we don't have that mentality with a marriage or dating relationship, why would we have that same mentality and thought process in regards to our relationship with God? To remember our first love that will never leave us or forsake us (Deut 31:6), that has a love that surpasses knowledge (Eph 3:19), that went to extreme measures to save us that ultimately will not withhold anything good from us (Romans 8:32) is to know true love and true fulfillment and fullness like no other. Much joy and comfort can come from love (Philemon 1:7) but ultimately the love of another this side of heaven will fail us and fall short. No matter how much they speak your love language or express their love, that person will never truly fill your love tank. No person profession possession or position can ever fill the cup of an empty wounded heart, that is a cup only God can fill and wants to. 

I think in this season of my life, and of course being a female, marriage is a thought heavy on my mind. So as I think of vows for my future husband and keeping those promises to him and fulfilling them to one another, I am reminded that will never be possible if I can't keep my original vows to The Lord and continue to work on my relationship with my first love.  

We each have made vows to God somewhere along our walk with him and as we go into the new year we need to refresh our hearts and minds to what they are. Ask God to create in you a pure heart and steadfast spirit (Ps 51:10) so we can see whether we kept them or not; what helped, worked, or hindered them?

So as you watch 2013 fade into 2014 I challenge you to remember your original vows and your first love. Living close to God requires making him your first love and highest priority. He desires to love you more, better, and deeper ths anybody else. In return, he needs to be first in your life. It's not about works, acts, and checklists. Submit yourself whole heatedly to the maker of your heart, because maybe in this last year you have forsaken your first love (Rev 2:4). 

Best thing is, He is waiting for you with open arms and an open heart. He's just been waiting on you to turn around and come back running. It's never too late.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year to all!


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