Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

(there is your song for this post, I feel like it fits.)

 Just posted my title verse on my Facebook wall, but I feel like I need to say a little more than, "for those struggling:: just a good reminder." (even though I need to be studying for my Bio exam, ooops)

That verse is more just a reminder, it's more like a command.
God is telling us, "COME to ME. Don't you know that I KNOW you are struggling and things are not easy. You can find all of your rest and peace in Me." In verse 28 God says "I will give you rest" and He turns around and in 29 repeats it "You will have rest" There is no maybe or you might. He is telling you, "if you come to ME I WILL give you rest. If you come to ME I WILL help you. I WILL carry your load for you."

You can always rely on the Lord to help you through your struggles. When you aren't strong enough He will be strong enough for you.

Maybe He has brought you to what He has so you will see He is all you need, and that you can't ever stop relying on Him. When all things disappear and all others vanish, He will be there for you lean on. He is jealous for you. 

Joshua 1: 5 "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you." 

He tells us there "I will NEVER leave you, ever."

Having problems? Things just not going the right way? Feeling Lost? Got a lot on your mind? No thing here on this earth can help you escape it, or deal with it for long. 
Talk to God about it. Take your problems to Him and give them to Him. 

Praying for those with heavy hearts and those going through struggles right now. 

much love to you all. 


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