Happy Monday, loves!
I want to talk more about something I have learned, not from the classroom though. (we all know that I play on this cool iPhone during class.) But seriously, I have learned a lot about patience and waiting this past month. I'm going to upload a picture I took today and it will probably post on the bottom but it's just an added visual. I thought of the yield sign because you aren't completely stopped, you're just waiting. You're waiting for your safety. If you run that yield sign you could be in danger. If you aren't patient you are only causing yourself and others danger.
Think about it.
The right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing.
Whether it be a job, a relationship, a ministry, or whatever it may be, if God doesn't think you're ready for it He won't give it to you. Plus God cares about us and knows what's best. What you think you may want now may not be truly best for you. Only He truly knows. The Bible tells us a number of times to wait for His perfect timing an that in His time He makes all things beautiful (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Do you trust God knows what's best? I have learned that it is better to let Him take control and let Him bring things into my life when He knows in ready. Just because I may think I want something, doesn't mean it is what's best. I have been fighting being patient and trying to figure out why things haven't gone my way. I am slowly starting to see what God has in store for me in my time of yielding to Him. Let me just tell you, it is TOTALLY WORTH IT.
What are you waiting for today? Are you going to yielding for God's perfect planning and timing?
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