Thursday, February 13, 2014

Isaiah 64:8 (AMP) Yet, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, andYou our Potter, and we all are the work of Your hand.

Over these past few snow days, I have had lots of time to read think and plan. For my February FCA lesson, all of this extra time came in handy to study. After doing some planning, reading, studying, and writing, I wanted to share my "lesson." I feel like there are some ladies who may come across this, that won't be sitting in my classroom with me at 7:30 am hearing me share these words, and may need the encouraging words. 

The point I have tried to beat into my own head, as well as other sweet ladies that I come in contact with, is what is a woman. I have done studies before, and even written posts before about the topic. So as I prepare in prayer and studying for the next few days, here is the message God has placed on my heart to share. 

Who are we, as women? Are we what the world says, or what The Word says?  
"a force to be reckoned with, a soul on fire with the same life and gifts and passions as any man." 
That quote from an article I read recently I think explains a woman in a unique but accurate way. 
We have a generation of strong women who have been forced to be strong due to the deck of cards we have been handed in life. The society that shaped us into strong women criticize us for the very thing they created us to be. The crazy thing is we allow it. We listen to music that degrades us, we watch movies that belittle us, and read magazines and books that create a fake women. And then we still try and fight the stereotypes. During any of it do we take the time to look to the true truth of what a woman is? When God created woman, it was because after days of creation. Days of making things from the dust, he realized something still wasn't right. Something still wasn't good. So then he made woman. 
He could have crafted her out if the dust also, but he didn't. The woman is the only thing God created in those 6 days that wasn't made from the dust. As a woman we are special. There is more to us than a bra size a pant size or a heel size. Each one of you is a fearfully and wonderfully made daughter of The King. In one final flourish creation came to and end with you. The one thing God did not create from the dust and instead of snapping His fingers, He took time and effort to hands craft and perfect. 
We get so wrapped up in trying to define ourselves that we forget The One who has already done all that for us.

We have been told we are fearfully and wonderfully made, but do we believe it? Do we understand what it truly means that God makes no mistakes? That I am exactly the way I am supposed to be? We keep trying to fight for that position of a godly woman, somebody He loves... But guess what. We don't have to keep fighting for that position, because we are already there! The beautiful thing is that He she'd sweat, tears, and blood so you could be called a daughter of the King

You have to come to a point where you stop trying to talk yourself into something, or doing things to make yourself believe and just believe. It doesn't matter what the world says. You are chosen. You are just as good as the rest. 

You are a gift, not a commodity. 


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