Wednesday, February 26, 2014

1 John 3:20 God is greater than our hearts and He knows everything.

God knows everything. 

There is more relief in those three words than I have words for this morning. 

(So much relief that I am probably going to be a little late for school, or have to cut short in the hair curling today; but these words on my heart are too sweet not to share!)

Each day we are faced with decisions, circumstances, and storms that just leave us asking "where do I go from here?" And "what step do you want me to take, God?" 

This morning and really for the past month rather, I have been asking and praying and seeking and searching and praying and praying... And more praying. 

All this week, God has placed little things in my path to help me keep my eyes on HIM and not what I want. 

There are two things I have been praying about that I want to happen, neither of which I will say here (sorry!) and God knew I needed to refocus. I needed to seek HIM not the answer to my prayer requests. 

Reading through different things, this morning from "Made to Crave for Young Women" by Lysa Tereurst and Shaunti Feldhahn I came across this insightful message

"If He is God and we a really are His servants, our lives are truly not our own. We need to relinquish and give up what we so desperately want and tell our Heavenly Father that we are willing to give up every one of our desires to Him so He can fully use our lives for His purposes even if sometimes the path would be quite different than the one we would have chosen." (43)

But isn't God so good that he always pulls through? He always shows up big time. It may not be right at the moment we want, but it's always at the best times.

Love moments where things click and scriptures line up together, and I am attentive to what God is trying to say to me in the moment. 

I just keep thinking 
"O ye of little faith, why are you afraid? (Matt 8:26) Give me your heart and let your eyes observe and delight in my ways." (Prov 23:26)  

God knows everything, but we tend to doubt. We doubt because we search within to find how he will do what he says. They spring up from the depths of our own inferiority (Utmost). 

So at what point, ye of little faith, are you going to take that next step without seeing the net there to catch you? At what point are you going to literally tell God you want Him to truly be in control and actually allow Him to be? 

I know you have some decision to make, even if it's just what you're going to wear for the day, but even in something small, allow God to be in control. And don't let your view of Him be clouded by the way you view yourself and others. 

To use the on point words a sweet friend prayed over me, here are my words of prayer &guidance  for you and myself. 

Take whatever step in your situation that is the one you can take in full faith in God, not yourself. You want to follow His way. May you be faced with God's love in the situation and love Him and others more out of it. 

O ye of little faith, God knows everything. 


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