(music for while you read!)
A lot of you don't know me well enough to know what I have been through, what I have done, how I have been hurt, how I have sinned. A lot of you do know though. You can always start over. You can always turn a new page, start a new book with a new chapter with a clean fresh start. God loves us and wants the best for us. He brings things into our life to shape us and mold us into who He has created us to be. My favorite saying is "you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it" that and knowing God forgives my past and I can become new and not have anything I have done held against me, help me keep my head held high.
Here's the struggle with that though; there are people who know me and my past and what I have been through and they do hold it against me. They share my stories out of hate, they try to tear me down, they want others to turn against me, they play mind games with those closest to me... and they try to tell them who "I really am." There are those people who don't want to see me happy, who want to air my dirty laundry so others will turn against me. I'm actually dealing with it right now. People giving ugly looks and cold shoulders to the ones I love the most and the ones who support me and care for me. But there will be people like that all my life. I have accepted it and I am moving on from it. With the Grace of God I am able to have those who will stand by my side no matter what.
Mandisa says it best in her song "Waiting For Tomorrow"
Every day's a day to start over. So, why am I waiting for tomorrow?
I woke up this morning with a super long amazing encouraging message from a good friend who I have come to love as family. He's the big brother I've always wished for and his words really helped and show me that I am on the right path. I haven't, and I won't let my past define me. Instead, I do my very best to let it shape me into who God has created me to be. We all have a story planned out step by step so I trust He knows what He is doing with me.
"I've thought u were the Bomb since day one u know that already but after hearing a lil bit of your story this weekend and where u have come from and all the obstacles u have had to face along the way in your young life I stand simply AMAZED!!! I don't know any better word to describe it...to see what u have been through and to see the wonderful, beautiful, positive, person u have become both inside and out, well its like witnessing a miracle...if anybody has a reason to be ticked off at the world and walk around with a chip on their shoulder because of what life has dealt them its you...yet here u are one of the most positive upbeat ppl I have ever met in my life...u don't let your circumstances in life define who u r"
Those words were just a few of a lot more encouraging things I got to read this morning. There are always people watching you, watching you work, watching how you act.. give them something to smile about.
You don't ever have to let what has happened to you make you who you are today (unless it has helped shape you in a positive way) Just because you got slap drunk last Saturday doesn't mean it is something you have to continue to do.. Just because you cussed yesterday doesn't mean you have t cuss today... Just because you have done something before doesn't mean you have to keep doing those things. Just because somebody has hurt you, doesn't mean you have to hold onto the pain or hurt others. Everyday is a day to start over. I am always willing to share my story. I am always willing to tell about the hand I was dealt.
If I can do it, you can do it too. Don't let your circumstances define who you are but let them shape you into who God has created you to be.
To know my words are helping people, my story is helping people, and my witness is helping people is the most amazing feeling I have ever felt.
We truly have an amazing God and through the strength He has given us, we can do all things.
We truly have an amazing God and through the strength He has given us, we can do all things.
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