Since I STILL haven't figured out a play list that will play songs while you guys read, here is your ghetto version with the YouTube video to accompany your reading
Okay, so it's been a few days. That okay, it happens when you are juggling a billion and fifteen things this weekend. I may be tired but I feel confident and I have had the hand of God guiding me every step of the way. I pray for guidance, I pray for direction, I pray that if it is not His will then let it not be done. If you are working for something, you want it to be honorable. If you are trying hard, you shouldn't be trying to please anybody but the Lord our Father. Colossians 3:23 tells us to work at everything we do as if we are working for Him, not other people. You are not to be working for yourself or to be selfish but yet work for Him. If you have something laid upon your heart and you see opportunities for that to happen, for your faith and walk to blossom and bloom... that is probably a good way to tell that God is trying to work through you and with you. So work for Him.
That is something I honestly have to keep in mind every day. I am struggling sometimes and I just feel like I get burnt out on school and work and on and on. I never stop though. I put my whole heart into everything I do because God has blessed me with the opportunities He has for a reason so I try to remember I am working for Him always.
A lot of people may know my name, but they don't know my story or know a lick about who I really am. So if that is the case, I want them to at least be able to see where my heart is and who I am working for. I am not working towards the approval of others, I am working towards the approval of my God. It is never going to be an easy thing. In today's world there is ridicule everywhere. Around every single corner you are going to hit a wall of disbelief, of doubt, of ridicule, of mocking and it really does stink. These things just make us stronger in our walk. If we do not give in or drown in the worry of pleasing others, we will only become stronger in the Lord. You can have a strong walk with the Lord and be strong in the faith but it can ALWAYS be stronger. Those people who make the jokes they do or say the things they do have no clue what is in your heart. When they look down on me because of my age and make a rash judgement about who I might be because of my age and being a college kid, it hurts worse than any pain I have ever felt in my life and to be almost 21 years old, I have endured more pain in my life than most people my age and more than I would ever wish on my worst enemy.
I don't let it stop me.
Those people that laugh because you brought your Bible to class or to lunch to do your studies, or the people that make comments based on age or anything on those lines, or those that mock you... they don't know that you. They don't know that you have a Mother who is a recovering alcoholic and is 10 months sober. Maybe because of that & because you want to have a good witness you don't drink. Those people who poke fun don't know where your heart is or know what has been placed upon your heart. Maybe you're working your tail end off so you can fund a Non-Profit organization one day. They have no idea what is going on in your life.
My strongest piece of advice for myself and all those that need to also hear this right now as you read, work for the LORD's approval. If the Lord isn't happy with what you're doing He will let you know. Do not let those who the devil has placed in your path to create a spiritual battle stop you or throw you off course. As my Daddy has told me more times that I can count, the devil will use anybody and everybody to throw you off course and start a spiritual battle; even the people you may look up to the most.
Keep your head held high. Work hard, with all your heart for the approval of the Lord not that of others. He will guide you in the way He wants you to go. He will close doors and open others.
Trust in Him.
Walk with Him.
Work for Him.
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