Wednesday, June 27, 2012
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thes 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
I didn't put the whole verse in the title today because I feel like 18 really fits this the best. I have always heard that when it rains it pours and that is definitely the truth. Sometimes you get going good and things are going well just one right after the other and then you hit a wall and boom, it all starts to crumble. I haven't quite been able to figure out why even though I ask. You can't really question God though. All of these circumstances are given to you for a reason even if we don't really know why. It is definitely a struggle for me to be thankful even in the hard times but I have to appreciate all I have around me. I have been given these not so pleasant circumstances for a reason. Maybe it's to practice patience, maybe it's to see how far I am pushed before I will let things bother me, maybe it's to see how well I can control my temper or my mouth.. I am not totally sure what it is but I am trying my best to not let those things get the best of me. I am thankful for those situations that are not by any means my favorite because they help me turn to the Lord. When I turn to the Lord in all situations and talk with Him and ask for His help, it builds my walk and relationship with Him.
so sometimes, when everything hits you all at once and those walls are starting to crumble, it may just be God trying to get your attention back on Him instead of other things.
Happy Wednesday.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future
You know how they say you never stop learning?
Well it is the truth.
I may still be a student but I am also a student to this life I live. My one life to love. I am learning things every day right and left.
Over these past few weeks I am learning who I really am, what my strengths really are, what my weaknesses really are, and what passions really are.
I am currently reading a book called "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" and yes it sort of has to do with dating, but it honestly deals more with seeing your singleness as a gift and a time to honor God. In this book (that isn't mine..oops sorry Ci) I highlighted the section that said "Every season has it's own unique treasures."
That passage stood out to me because I have realized that I learn the most from life in it's many changes, and boy have I had a lot of changes in my life this past month. God closes doors to certain things so He can open others for you. He always has my best interest at heart and that is something I have to keep remembering. Sometimes, we find out the reason behind what He does and sometimes we never do. Trusting is key and devoting your life to truly obeying Him is what He wants. The sooner you figure that out the better, trust me. I have learned that the right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing and when God knows I am ready He will bring things into my life.
Sometimes I get so confused and lost and can't get back on my feet, simply because I lose focus. If you take your eyes off of God and get distracted by the slightest thing (mainly worldly things) you will stumble. I trust the Lord with my entire life, and I know He will guide me and lead me in the direction He has planned out, which is the best way for me. I do get afraid sometimes wondering if I am doing the right thing, like quitting a job I have had for two years. (yes for all you that don't know yet I quit my job a week ago) I have been given a wonderful opportunity to become self employed which gives me more time to focus on myself and put all that time and energy I was putting into my old job into building up myself and those around me. I love it.
We don't always get what we want, and we don't always get it when we want it. I am speaking from total experience here. God is not your mom either; you can pitch the biggest fit of your life and He still won't give in. I have said it a million times, you can try to tell God what's up but He is really going to tell you what's up. I keep wanting to rush things and say I can't wait until Thursdays, or I can't wait until August, or I can't wait until December when I can move home. Now yes, I am looking forward to all these things but I can't rush away my days. My minutes. My seconds. I have to ride out these in between seasons to truly grow and learn.
Soo, my advice for whoever reads this here blog (and myself of course) :
it's time to put your big girl (or boy) pants on and know that things aren't always going to go our way. You can get mad, pitch a fit, take it out on everybody you're surrounded by, let if affect every aspect of your life OR you can take it as it is, a blessing in disguise. Trust that God has your best interest at heart and will take care of you always. He won't give you the short end of the stick, He just won't give you anything until He truly knows you are ready for it. Every season has it's own unique treasures and the right thing at the wrong time is the wrong thing. Don't wish your life away. Stay in the boat and enjoy everything you have surrounding you now. Soak it all in because this is your one life to love.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Proverbs 13:20 He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.
Your walk may be strong, but it can always be stronger.
Your walk may be strong, but there is always possibility of straying.
Who and what you are surrounded by plays a big role in how you act and things you might do. The morals and actions of others can rub off on your own. It is really hard, in some situations, to not slip up. We are always fighting a spiritual battle and things will cross our paths that make us take our eyes of God and what we wants and get caught up in the worldly wants. The right now. The stronger you get in your relationship with God and the stronger your walk begins to get, the more obstacles you are going to have to cross.
1 Peter 5:8 Keep awake! Watch at all times. The devil is working against you. He is walking around like a hungry lion with his mouth open. He is looking for someone to eat.
1 Corinthians 10:13a You have never been tempted to sin in any different way than other people.
I definitely notice a difference between my actions depending on who I am around. I may talk a little different, act a little different, act a little more wild, or a little more mean. I have some people who keep me in line and keep me acting just like myself, but I also have people who I hang around where it is easier to give into worldly things and conform to the pattern of this world.
one bad apple can ruin a bushel.
It's so simple for one person to affect your choices and decisions. Sometimes we just need to take a step back and take a look from the outside and see if maybe those are the people we need to begin to not spend as much time with. Maybe there are certain situations you shouldn't put yourself into if you know you can't handle them. Take some time today, like I have, and really think about how those you surround yourself with impact your life.
Surround yourself with those that will build you up and help you stay on the path.
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
I love getting the urge to write. What I love even more about writing is that it helps other people. What I also love is encouraging messages from great friends. I love to love things. I love to love.
(music for while you read!)
A lot of you don't know me well enough to know what I have been through, what I have done, how I have been hurt, how I have sinned. A lot of you do know though. You can always start over. You can always turn a new page, start a new book with a new chapter with a clean fresh start. God loves us and wants the best for us. He brings things into our life to shape us and mold us into who He has created us to be. My favorite saying is "you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it" that and knowing God forgives my past and I can become new and not have anything I have done held against me, help me keep my head held high.
Here's the struggle with that though; there are people who know me and my past and what I have been through and they do hold it against me. They share my stories out of hate, they try to tear me down, they want others to turn against me, they play mind games with those closest to me... and they try to tell them who "I really am." There are those people who don't want to see me happy, who want to air my dirty laundry so others will turn against me. I'm actually dealing with it right now. People giving ugly looks and cold shoulders to the ones I love the most and the ones who support me and care for me. But there will be people like that all my life. I have accepted it and I am moving on from it. With the Grace of God I am able to have those who will stand by my side no matter what.
Mandisa says it best in her song "Waiting For Tomorrow"
You don't ever have to let what has happened to you make you who you are today (unless it has helped shape you in a positive way) Just because you got slap drunk last Saturday doesn't mean it is something you have to continue to do.. Just because you cussed yesterday doesn't mean you have t cuss today... Just because you have done something before doesn't mean you have to keep doing those things. Just because somebody has hurt you, doesn't mean you have to hold onto the pain or hurt others. Everyday is a day to start over. I am always willing to share my story. I am always willing to tell about the hand I was dealt.
(music for while you read!)
A lot of you don't know me well enough to know what I have been through, what I have done, how I have been hurt, how I have sinned. A lot of you do know though. You can always start over. You can always turn a new page, start a new book with a new chapter with a clean fresh start. God loves us and wants the best for us. He brings things into our life to shape us and mold us into who He has created us to be. My favorite saying is "you were given this life because you are strong enough to live it" that and knowing God forgives my past and I can become new and not have anything I have done held against me, help me keep my head held high.
Here's the struggle with that though; there are people who know me and my past and what I have been through and they do hold it against me. They share my stories out of hate, they try to tear me down, they want others to turn against me, they play mind games with those closest to me... and they try to tell them who "I really am." There are those people who don't want to see me happy, who want to air my dirty laundry so others will turn against me. I'm actually dealing with it right now. People giving ugly looks and cold shoulders to the ones I love the most and the ones who support me and care for me. But there will be people like that all my life. I have accepted it and I am moving on from it. With the Grace of God I am able to have those who will stand by my side no matter what.
Mandisa says it best in her song "Waiting For Tomorrow"
Every day's a day to start over. So, why am I waiting for tomorrow?
I woke up this morning with a super long amazing encouraging message from a good friend who I have come to love as family. He's the big brother I've always wished for and his words really helped and show me that I am on the right path. I haven't, and I won't let my past define me. Instead, I do my very best to let it shape me into who God has created me to be. We all have a story planned out step by step so I trust He knows what He is doing with me.
"I've thought u were the Bomb since day one u know that already but after hearing a lil bit of your story this weekend and where u have come from and all the obstacles u have had to face along the way in your young life I stand simply AMAZED!!! I don't know any better word to describe see what u have been through and to see the wonderful, beautiful, positive, person u have become both inside and out, well its like witnessing a miracle...if anybody has a reason to be ticked off at the world and walk around with a chip on their shoulder because of what life has dealt them its you...yet here u are one of the most positive upbeat ppl I have ever met in my life...u don't let your circumstances in life define who u r"
Those words were just a few of a lot more encouraging things I got to read this morning. There are always people watching you, watching you work, watching how you act.. give them something to smile about.
You don't ever have to let what has happened to you make you who you are today (unless it has helped shape you in a positive way) Just because you got slap drunk last Saturday doesn't mean it is something you have to continue to do.. Just because you cussed yesterday doesn't mean you have t cuss today... Just because you have done something before doesn't mean you have to keep doing those things. Just because somebody has hurt you, doesn't mean you have to hold onto the pain or hurt others. Everyday is a day to start over. I am always willing to share my story. I am always willing to tell about the hand I was dealt.
If I can do it, you can do it too. Don't let your circumstances define who you are but let them shape you into who God has created you to be.
To know my words are helping people, my story is helping people, and my witness is helping people is the most amazing feeling I have ever felt.
We truly have an amazing God and through the strength He has given us, we can do all things.
We truly have an amazing God and through the strength He has given us, we can do all things.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for humans
Since I STILL haven't figured out a play list that will play songs while you guys read, here is your ghetto version with the YouTube video to accompany your reading
Okay, so it's been a few days. That okay, it happens when you are juggling a billion and fifteen things this weekend. I may be tired but I feel confident and I have had the hand of God guiding me every step of the way. I pray for guidance, I pray for direction, I pray that if it is not His will then let it not be done. If you are working for something, you want it to be honorable. If you are trying hard, you shouldn't be trying to please anybody but the Lord our Father. Colossians 3:23 tells us to work at everything we do as if we are working for Him, not other people. You are not to be working for yourself or to be selfish but yet work for Him. If you have something laid upon your heart and you see opportunities for that to happen, for your faith and walk to blossom and bloom... that is probably a good way to tell that God is trying to work through you and with you. So work for Him.
That is something I honestly have to keep in mind every day. I am struggling sometimes and I just feel like I get burnt out on school and work and on and on. I never stop though. I put my whole heart into everything I do because God has blessed me with the opportunities He has for a reason so I try to remember I am working for Him always.
A lot of people may know my name, but they don't know my story or know a lick about who I really am. So if that is the case, I want them to at least be able to see where my heart is and who I am working for. I am not working towards the approval of others, I am working towards the approval of my God. It is never going to be an easy thing. In today's world there is ridicule everywhere. Around every single corner you are going to hit a wall of disbelief, of doubt, of ridicule, of mocking and it really does stink. These things just make us stronger in our walk. If we do not give in or drown in the worry of pleasing others, we will only become stronger in the Lord. You can have a strong walk with the Lord and be strong in the faith but it can ALWAYS be stronger. Those people who make the jokes they do or say the things they do have no clue what is in your heart. When they look down on me because of my age and make a rash judgement about who I might be because of my age and being a college kid, it hurts worse than any pain I have ever felt in my life and to be almost 21 years old, I have endured more pain in my life than most people my age and more than I would ever wish on my worst enemy.
I don't let it stop me.
Those people that laugh because you brought your Bible to class or to lunch to do your studies, or the people that make comments based on age or anything on those lines, or those that mock you... they don't know that you. They don't know that you have a Mother who is a recovering alcoholic and is 10 months sober. Maybe because of that & because you want to have a good witness you don't drink. Those people who poke fun don't know where your heart is or know what has been placed upon your heart. Maybe you're working your tail end off so you can fund a Non-Profit organization one day. They have no idea what is going on in your life.
My strongest piece of advice for myself and all those that need to also hear this right now as you read, work for the LORD's approval. If the Lord isn't happy with what you're doing He will let you know. Do not let those who the devil has placed in your path to create a spiritual battle stop you or throw you off course. As my Daddy has told me more times that I can count, the devil will use anybody and everybody to throw you off course and start a spiritual battle; even the people you may look up to the most.
Keep your head held high. Work hard, with all your heart for the approval of the Lord not that of others. He will guide you in the way He wants you to go. He will close doors and open others.
Trust in Him.
Walk with Him.
Work for Him.
Okay, so it's been a few days. That okay, it happens when you are juggling a billion and fifteen things this weekend. I may be tired but I feel confident and I have had the hand of God guiding me every step of the way. I pray for guidance, I pray for direction, I pray that if it is not His will then let it not be done. If you are working for something, you want it to be honorable. If you are trying hard, you shouldn't be trying to please anybody but the Lord our Father. Colossians 3:23 tells us to work at everything we do as if we are working for Him, not other people. You are not to be working for yourself or to be selfish but yet work for Him. If you have something laid upon your heart and you see opportunities for that to happen, for your faith and walk to blossom and bloom... that is probably a good way to tell that God is trying to work through you and with you. So work for Him.
That is something I honestly have to keep in mind every day. I am struggling sometimes and I just feel like I get burnt out on school and work and on and on. I never stop though. I put my whole heart into everything I do because God has blessed me with the opportunities He has for a reason so I try to remember I am working for Him always.
A lot of people may know my name, but they don't know my story or know a lick about who I really am. So if that is the case, I want them to at least be able to see where my heart is and who I am working for. I am not working towards the approval of others, I am working towards the approval of my God. It is never going to be an easy thing. In today's world there is ridicule everywhere. Around every single corner you are going to hit a wall of disbelief, of doubt, of ridicule, of mocking and it really does stink. These things just make us stronger in our walk. If we do not give in or drown in the worry of pleasing others, we will only become stronger in the Lord. You can have a strong walk with the Lord and be strong in the faith but it can ALWAYS be stronger. Those people who make the jokes they do or say the things they do have no clue what is in your heart. When they look down on me because of my age and make a rash judgement about who I might be because of my age and being a college kid, it hurts worse than any pain I have ever felt in my life and to be almost 21 years old, I have endured more pain in my life than most people my age and more than I would ever wish on my worst enemy.
I don't let it stop me.
Those people that laugh because you brought your Bible to class or to lunch to do your studies, or the people that make comments based on age or anything on those lines, or those that mock you... they don't know that you. They don't know that you have a Mother who is a recovering alcoholic and is 10 months sober. Maybe because of that & because you want to have a good witness you don't drink. Those people who poke fun don't know where your heart is or know what has been placed upon your heart. Maybe you're working your tail end off so you can fund a Non-Profit organization one day. They have no idea what is going on in your life.
My strongest piece of advice for myself and all those that need to also hear this right now as you read, work for the LORD's approval. If the Lord isn't happy with what you're doing He will let you know. Do not let those who the devil has placed in your path to create a spiritual battle stop you or throw you off course. As my Daddy has told me more times that I can count, the devil will use anybody and everybody to throw you off course and start a spiritual battle; even the people you may look up to the most.
Keep your head held high. Work hard, with all your heart for the approval of the Lord not that of others. He will guide you in the way He wants you to go. He will close doors and open others.
Trust in Him.
Walk with Him.
Work for Him.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Ephesians 3:14-21 to Him be glory
So I know I usually put the whole Bible verse in the title, but this was is way too long to do that so here.
Oh! And here is your ghetto way to listen to an amazing song that goes along with my words!
Appreciation of the Mystery NKJV
Appreciation of the Mystery NKJV
14 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,[a] 15 from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man,17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
Ephesians 3:17-19 were the verses I receieved in an email this morning. How amazing is it when you just really need to hear God remind you, All good things come from Me. SO great. Since I started this blog, I have been watching God move in my life and the lives of those around me. To Him alone be the glory. As I read that this morning, I think about things friends have told me in just a few short days, and things that have been happening to me in such short days. They are all what one of my friends would call "God Things" because they are truly amazing and truly they could come from no other. Pure things that bring my heart such joy and the same thing is happening in the hearts of those closest to me. I get so excited. I am feeling sort of sick and have been since yesterday but I am in such a good mood and such high spirits because of all the things God is doing. He is such an amazing God and we serve such a mighty king. If you don't trust in the Lord with all your heart and just give everything to Him, you are missing out! Get on board and check out what amazing things He can and will do for you!
Its Wednesday and I have felt like I have had 3 Mondays in a row, but I don't even care. God and a giant cup of coffee are gonna get me through this day!
Its Wednesday and I have felt like I have had 3 Mondays in a row, but I don't even care. God and a giant cup of coffee are gonna get me through this day!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Psalms 37:7a Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him
It's been a week since my last post, I've been a slacker. Actually, I just haven't felt like I have had much to say.. a complete shocker, huh?
(ps--my playlist doesn't work anymore SO if you want some jams while you read this, play this here video)
Ohkayy, well.... We always hear we need to trust in the Lord, and we always know we need to, but it isn't always easy. Have you ever heard the saying, nothing worth having or doing is easy? I have had a few things happen to me this past weekend that make me rely on God and trust that He will either continue to lead me down these paths or He will close doors so others can be opened. Have His will be done, not my own. I have said a million times, you can try to tell God what's up, but really He's gonna tell you what's up. Try it and see if I'm not right...
Yesterday riding in the car to Church a song came across the radio and a thought was placed on my heart, and I haven't told anybody what it is. Normally that never happens. I tell at least one or two people. This is different though. I haven't wanted to tell anybody yet, and I won't until I know for sure I should. I will continue to pray for this thought/idea and if it is to be done then things will work out and opportunities will come my way. I ask for prayers though that I will be able to fuel this idea (it's a really good one and I look forward to sharing it eventually). I have put my entire trust in God with this situation and I am waiting to see what happens. I'm going to be patient for like once in my life. We all know I am NOT good at that just sayin', but how can I tell people to trust and be patient if I don't do it to? I am going to practice what I preach.
"His promise is true. My God will come through. Always. Always"
God has big plans for each and everyone of us. The road isn't always going to be a smooth ride and you may have to deal with a few flat tires on the way, but don't get discouraged. A good friend of mine this weekend and I were talking about all this and she said that she likes to plan stuff out and it's always a good surprise to see how God has things planned out. Even in your lowest of lows and your most discouraged times, God has never left you and He is only preparing you for what is to come.
Pray. Trust. Be patient.
"I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining. I believe in love, even when I do not feel it. I believe in God, even when He is silent."
(ps--my playlist doesn't work anymore SO if you want some jams while you read this, play this here video)
Ohkayy, well.... We always hear we need to trust in the Lord, and we always know we need to, but it isn't always easy. Have you ever heard the saying, nothing worth having or doing is easy? I have had a few things happen to me this past weekend that make me rely on God and trust that He will either continue to lead me down these paths or He will close doors so others can be opened. Have His will be done, not my own. I have said a million times, you can try to tell God what's up, but really He's gonna tell you what's up. Try it and see if I'm not right...
Yesterday riding in the car to Church a song came across the radio and a thought was placed on my heart, and I haven't told anybody what it is. Normally that never happens. I tell at least one or two people. This is different though. I haven't wanted to tell anybody yet, and I won't until I know for sure I should. I will continue to pray for this thought/idea and if it is to be done then things will work out and opportunities will come my way. I ask for prayers though that I will be able to fuel this idea (it's a really good one and I look forward to sharing it eventually). I have put my entire trust in God with this situation and I am waiting to see what happens. I'm going to be patient for like once in my life. We all know I am NOT good at that just sayin', but how can I tell people to trust and be patient if I don't do it to? I am going to practice what I preach.
"His promise is true. My God will come through. Always. Always"
God has big plans for each and everyone of us. The road isn't always going to be a smooth ride and you may have to deal with a few flat tires on the way, but don't get discouraged. A good friend of mine this weekend and I were talking about all this and she said that she likes to plan stuff out and it's always a good surprise to see how God has things planned out. Even in your lowest of lows and your most discouraged times, God has never left you and He is only preparing you for what is to come.
Pray. Trust. Be patient.
"I believe in the sun, even when it is not shining. I believe in love, even when I do not feel it. I believe in God, even when He is silent."
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