Sunday, May 20, 2012

Psalm 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him

I live in a college town. I am in the middle of a constant battle. 

"There's a struggle, it's God and the devil; it's love against the enemy.
Life's a fight of wrong and right that's tearing me apart
Oh but what the cross has done
Yeah the world will try to battle for my heart but the war is already won."
-Chris August 

Every day there is an encounter with something that challenges my faith, my walk, and my sanity. I have to make choices daily. Normally it isn't hard to make the right decisions and it is really clear which path I should take. However, this age, this town, this time period, it is hard to not make certain choices. You want to feel comfortable and to be happy and you see others happy and comfortable so we try to do what they are doing. 

Sometimes that isn't the best option at all.

Most of the time those around us find happiness in money, materials, alcohol, sex, looks, and so on.  

Worldly Things.

Romans 12:2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

Looking a certain way, acting a certain way, or doing things to fit in won't make you happy in the end. The right now happiness isn't always worth it. In 20 (almost 21, how could I let you forget, it's so close) years of my life I have done this a number of times. I see people around me doing it. I still do it now honestly. I have been doing it all week, fighting with body image and imagining what I would look like with other features and so on. This won't make us happy, it doesn't make me happy. When we search for happiness in other people and other things, or try to live our lives like others, we are conforming to the patterns of this world. Eventually, it just tears you down more. I have to remember every day that trusting in the Lord is what I should be doing because He knows what is best for me and you. 

Whether you choose to believe that or not; it's your call. 

Just sharing from personal experience, don't conform. Don't give in to the worldly desires as hard as it is. 

So a note for us all, that we should remember daily; don't give in.  

The Lord is good & He knows what's best. 

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