Oh Hendersonville; My hometown, where my roots run deep, where my family has been for decades upon decades and everybody knows everybody & their cousin, and people are what my teacher calls "Carolina Nice"
Okay, so coming home is always exciting (especially when I get to surprise a handful and a half of people, gah I'm so sneaky and I love it), and leaving is NOT. Here lately it has been getting harder and harder. It's 12 am, I should be getting up in 6 or 7 hours and heading back to Boonetown. I know when I go to bed though, that when I wake up it will be time to pack Big Burgundy up (and for all of you who do not know who Big B is, that is my truck. Old Faithful. She is somethin' that is for sure & has cost me more money than any guy I have ever dated. We have a love hate relationship, but I have learned more about cars than I have ever intended thanks to her.) and head towards the higher elevation. Work and school are what keeps me there; only for 6 more months though and I can make it. Every time I come home after being away I fall more and more in love with my home town. Good ole Hendersonville, NC.
Anyways, I am avoiding the bed right now. In these 3 days I got to spend some good quality time with all my Grandparents and some good friends. Tonight I got some amazing family time, some dang good ice cream with some pretty amazing people, and shared a bushel of stories and laughs with some real good company. I could not think of a better way to end my stay. As hard as it makes it for me to actually leave, it keeps me from being bummed out about leaving. It really keeps my mind off of it for a while. Now don't get me wrong, I love my Boonetown life, but there are a load of things pulling me back towards home. So just as January faded into May quicker than I could blink, I'm sure May will fade into December and I will be back here before we know it. And I KNOW by the time January rolls around, some of y'all will be wishin I would take my loud sassy mouth back to Boone, but it's not going to happen. I know God already my has story planned out, but I wouldn't mind digging my roots deeper around this town. Don't ever try tellin Him what's up either, He will clearly let you know who is boss.
This is my one life to love, and I am ready to fully embrace every moment, not just let the time pass me by.
So goodbye sweet, southern, crazy town I call home. Until we meet again.
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