It sounds pretty self explanatory if you think about it, but for me, my heart, and my passions, it so much more.
One life to love.
You have one life.
If you have a today, you have a yesterday.
If you have a yesterday, you have a past.
Life is full of a past with no promise of a future, but an ever present present.
Life is full of wrongs, rights, memories, heartache, joy, love, chaos, grace, pain, growth, change, and yesterdays.
You get one life. No do overs. You get grace, and second chances through grace, but no do overs.
I will say it again, if you have a today you have a yesterday.
If you have a yesterday, you have a past.
Whenever the word "past" is mentioned more often than not it hits a tender spot in the heart. It carries a negative connotation. I hate that. I hate that so many, both men and women, cling to their past with white knuckles and a grimace, afraid to let anybody see it.
From the deepest part of my heart, I do not want that to be as true as it is.
God tells us through scripture that He has come to give us life that we may have it abundantly (John 10:10).
Not once in that verse or throughout scripture does it say,
"you get to have an abundant life if you keep your past a secret"
"you get to have an abundant life if you never make a bad decision"
"you get to have an abundant life if you have a past"
In your one life, the one life you were given to love, you get to life it abundantly because of the gospel. Because of The Messiah, you are free to claim that abundant life.
You get to make some choices in that life and some choices are made for you.
But, this choice is yours and only yours.
You have to choose to claim grace, and claim the forgiveness for your past (all the good, the bad, and the ugly)
You have to choose to let that past (you know the one you white knuckle and try to hide from every one to see) refine you and not define you.
You have been given one life to love; you can either let that past define you or refine you, but you get to choose.
If nothing from the jumbled mess that is the overflow of my heart, take this with you.
I will say this again You have been given one life to love; you can either let that past define you or refine you, but you get to choose.
My prayer for you is that you will choose to live life on purpose. That you will have abundant life. That you will come to point where yesterday will stay yesterday, tomorrow will be tomorrow, and your today will be your only focus. That you will let your yesterday make you better, and you will come to truly love the one life you have been given.
How different would your life be if you chose to live life on purpose?
What is keeping you from making that choice to claim abundant life?
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