Sunday, March 1, 2015

Single, Christian, and the Tinder App

So, Tinder... I know people who have used it and people who have tried to convince me to do it. I have heard about it, and I have even heard of girls in the Church using it. So instead of forming a full opinion without trying it, yesterday at breakfast I downloaded the app and created a profile. 

For the record it took me less than 24 hours to form an opinion of the app, and I felt gross even having the app on my phone.

So here are my thoughts, ideas, and opinions on being single, Christian, and using the ever popular Tinder app.

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To be clear, this is not an online dating review this is simply a Tinder review, and Tinder is not online dating. If you are offended, I am not sorry. I am using scripture to prove the errors. 

For those of you who don't know what Tinder is what an online Marie Claire article says

"It's an online dating app. When it first came on the scene, it was used more as a hook-up/casual sex app because it finds you potential matches based on their proximity to you. 

How does this Tinder app work then?

It's really very simple and easy. It finds your location using GPS, then uses your Facebook information to create your profile (don't worry, nothing about Tinder will ever be posted to Facebook). A Tinder profile is made up only of your first name, age, photos (of your choice) and any pages you've 'liked' on Facebook. 
Tinder then finds you potential matches near you (you can narrow it down by searching by age and distance) and if they take your fancy, you swipe right to 'like' them. If not, go left to 'pass'. If they’ve also 'liked' you – bingo. It’s a match and you can start messaging."


Basically, you get to look through people who have "liked" the same sort of stuff on Facebook, are within a certain age range you choose, and within a certain mileage from where you are currently.

and you are making that decision solely based on what the person looks like and what they type in their 500 character bio. 

HELLO judging a book by its cover!

The whole time I was using this all I could think of was what 1 Samuel 16:7 says

"The LORD does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."

So for my Christian friends, here is error number 1 in the Tinder game. You are solely judging a person by outward appearance and what (usually really stupid stuff) they type in their bio. 

I feel like some people don't even look at the Bio, they just look at picture. For those of you who have never played the Tinder game, here is a screen shot of my profile/bio for you to see. I included some basic details, and the exact reason why I had a Tinder profile. Only about 2 guys picked up on that and message me hoping to give some positive to the Tinder negatives. 

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As you scroll through these people Tinder has matched up for you after seeing their profile you swipe right for like, left for "nope"  If you swipe right and they swipe right you get a match. Here is what that looks like
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You see you get 3 options.

1 - Send them a message (which can ONLY happen if you get a match, random people you do not say yes to cannot message you)
2 - Keep playing
3 - Tell your friends

error number 2 Tinder is just a game. Something to consume your time. You can argue, but it says right here "keep playing"

Ephesians 5:16 

Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

If you are looking for something to consumer your time, I can think of some better ways. 

BUT back to what I learned from reading bios leads me to error number 3.

There are not a whole lot of OPEN Jesus loving people using Tinder. I swiped left A LOT and right some, just to see what would happen, so I went through a lot of guys. I found THREE guys who at least liked one of the Pastors/Christian Speakers I had liked on Facebook or had a Bible verse in their Bio or anything Jesus/Ministry related. Most of the profiles I saw had no bio written, or their bio said something along the lines of inappropriate stuff I won't even repeat. 

here is some scripture to help you see where I might be headed with this next error I found.

Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

1 Corinthians 15:33 

Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.”

Error number 3 in the Tinder game, you are diving into a pool of what I would perceived to be non believers. I could be totally wrong but asking for dirty pictures, hook ups, and saying good beer and mary jane is your best friend just doesn't scream "I love Jesus." 

Not only do I have those great bios to base my opinion, but this message from a guy a friend of mine was supposed to actually meet for coffee admitted it for us. (forgive the language here) 

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not to mention he stood her up. So if you are single, Christian, and considering using the Tinder app. 
DO NOT DO IT. You can argue that it is what you make it, and that is true but go back and read all the errors again. If you still feel like trying to convince me, then go for it. There are some guys that are not terribly gross, and some that were polite, but anybody can be Prince Charming behind the computer (or iphone) screen. 

If you do, you might get a message like this I don't know about you, but this definitely doesn't make me swoon. 
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and to my Franklin friends if you are wondering about the Tinder scene up here, rest easy this is where you are in the game

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so thankful to say goodbye to that little flame icon.