As I was washing my Rapunzel hair this morning (which for those of you that truly know me, you know that is a huge deal) I started thinking "what am I thankful for?" and then the idea clicked to write a blog post. As I am still washing my hair (side note; there is so stinkin much of this that I have plenty of time to think, hence the Rapunzel reference) I continued to think about what I would write about, but the thought also came to mind "why do you write?" and the answer to that was "to get the Lord's name out there, not my own." As much as I love having over 2000 views on my blog, and lots of likes, comments, and positive feedbacks... that is not my purpose for this blog. If I reach one person with this blog than it has served its purpose. As I continue to follow my calling to write today, I am thankful for so many things.
Give thanks to The Lord for He is good.
Psalm 107:1 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever!
Psalm 118:1 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!
Psalm 136:1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.
1 Chronicles 16:34 Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever!
the key words I pull out of those 4 scriptures are he is good.
Is, is the present tense of be.
Present tense. That means He is good now. How cool is that to think about?
When you think about How good the Lord is now and all the time. I think it makes it a little bit easier to have a thankful heart.
In this month of thanksgiving, if you read a daily devotional or you get the verse of the day from some source, it is all about giving the Lord thanks and why that is so important, at least my Jesus Calling devotional was on point with that this month and I loved it.
He has blessed me beyond words. & I truly believe if you have an attitude of thanksgiving in every situation, and you remember that The Lord is good and works all things together for our good, that your valleys will be just as sweet to walk through as your mountain tops.
Here is an example of that;
A couple of Thursday's ago at Vertical @ Biltmore Baptist, we were to turn and tell someone what we were thankful for. I turned to an unfamiliar face behind me and said "I am thankful for my family." He without hesitation responded "Wow, you must have a pretty awesome family." To which I said back "If you only knew."
In my mind I was thinking.. if you only knew the hurt I have walked through. If you only knew my story. If you only knew how crazy times were. If you only knew how things have changed over 23 years. If you only knew how much fun we have & how our pretty cool our relationships are today.
Because I have a thankful heart and I know that The Lord is good, I can see that everything I walked through with my family was all a part of His plan for good. Of course at the time I could not see how any of the chaos could ever be considered "good" But bless, am I thankful for every single step of life I have walked through with my family and sweet friends I have by my side. It was all part of God's plan for good in my life and it has shaped me into the woman I am today; with a strong love for the Lord and a heart of thanksgiving.
If I had to guess, there are more than enough people walking through that part of life right now. Maybe it isn't your family issues. Maybe it's a job, another broken relationship, or a missing relationship. There is a blessing in it somewhere. The cool thing that I like to think about often is that everything I have been through, everything I currently go through, everything I will go through, every breath & every step I take was perfectly hand crafted especially for me. So all of this stuff, because the Lord is good was picked out and planned for your good because He loves you more than words could ever explain.
I truly believe that when you taste & see that word of the Lord is good, and that He is good, and that he is working things all together for your good... those valleys you walk through will eventually become so much sweeter to you than those mountain tops.
You can tell me, "well you don't know my story.. you don't know me" & I can tell you that you are exactly right. But I know somebody who does. I know the One who breathed you into creation. I know the One who had all of your days planned before you were created. I know that He is good and that He wants good for you and that He has a blessing and silver lining in that dark cloud in that dark valley you are stuck in.
"Let thankfulness rule in your heart. As you thank The Lord for blessing in your life, the more you will see. Focus on The Lord and what He is doing. Sing to God with a heart of gratitude." -- Jesus Calling
You may be weak, but God's spirit is strong in you. Give thanks frequently as you journey through today. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
So I know I don't have a list here of what I am thankful for, but I hope what you take out of this is that I am thankful for everything.
Again, Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy your plates full of food you know you shouldn't eat. Enjoy your loud aunt, crazy cousins, and your uncle with the crude jokes. You don't get to choose your family, but God hand picked them especially for you!