Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Matthew 25:45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

Matthew 25:45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

And the rest of the story, Matthew 25:31-46 of the final judgement was truly just a story until Saturday May 31, 2014.

Many things can be and will be said about social media, but it can be used for good. One day thumbing through I came across a post from a friend Katie Owen sharing what I saw as an opportunity to serve a ministry who was short on volunteers. Little did I know how that one share, and that one thought, and that one story would change my heart and unveil my eyes to something so real. 

Not knowing what I would be getting myself into I signed up to join this ministry and volunteer that coming Saturday. I called a couple of girlfriends too and when Saturday morning came, we woke up a little earlier that desired, and were on our way with little to no idea of what was to come.

Sometimes not knowing is best because it opens up the "anything is possible door." 

I don't want to give every detail, because like a good movie or book, if it's all shared others won't experience it for themselves.  I will tell you though that working with the LOT (least of these) ministry was one of the most amazing things I have been a part of. You think you are giving 2 hours of your morning to bless others, but the people who come to eat breakfast will bless you more than you could imagine. To see the joy on their faces pouring out from their hearts is something unforgettable. It will humble you, and put you back into perspective. The people you serve with and the people you serve are unlike any people you will find. 

I will also tell you that once you serve once, you will be back. The people, the love, the stories, and the body of Christ coming together outside of the Church walls will have you hooked. 
You may not have Jesus knock on your door and ask for food, but He will surely place opportunities at your feet to serve another. 

By serving others, you have served The Lord. I won't beg you to experience these Saturday mornings, but I can tell you if you do, you won't leave the same as you came. 

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