A few weeks ago I was on the hunt for a new mattress. Little did I know how that one ordinary event would reveal some "character development" in my life.
I have had the SAME bed since high school. Same frame, same mattress, same mattress topper; and it was time for change.
The bed frame was bulky, the mattress was lumpy, but all I want to change was the mattress. So against my Daddy's desires, one Saturday morning we set out to find me a new mattress. The reason daddy wasn't on board was because I had a very nice mattress sitting in my storage unit. Only problem there was, I would have to change bed frames... And that meant cleaning under the bed.
I don't know about you, but I feel like that is the worst place to have to clean, and I was just not having it. I just wanted a new mattress that would cover up the mess underneath. Nothing to he seen, nothing to declutter.
Long story short, we went, we shopped, we found nothing. Not one I liked (or could afford rather). So here it was, time to move beds. Time to clean under the bed.
I absolutely hate to clean. With every fiber in my being I cannot stand it. Now however, I did not have a choice. So as the old bed was being moved out, it was all revealed. Everything that had been ignored, tucked away hidden, and forgotten about. I hadn't been the only one to stud things under this bed, and I had no clue where to even begin decluttering.
So right then I started to pray, "Lord, what are you trying to teach me through this. Why is this happening."
And clear as day He revealed to me that I was in need of some serious character development, He revealed to me that I am most definitely an avoider. I have feelings, thoughts, emotions, and situations that I have avoided. Out of sight out of mind has been my mentality, when it was ALL still sitting there waiting for me.
Every random old and new thing under that bed symbolized things in my life that needed to be dealt with. There were things I needed to declutter in my heart, mind, and life.
It was like God was saying, "it's time to declutter. Ignoring things doesn't make them go away. The sooner they are dealt with the better of you will be. It's time to declutter your heart. Not a time to be sad, mad, or anxious but rather be glad because new is coming, healing is on its way."
It was time to trade my ashes I'm for beauty like Isaiah 61:1-3 talk about.
It was time to trust and not be afraid (Isaiah 12:2) because if that ordinary bed situation was just a glimpse of how things could be in my heart, it is so worth it to tackle what's under the bed. Once the old bed was out the new bed was better than anything I could have imagined.
The old turned to new, and it was better than I imagined.
So what's under your bed? What are some things you've tucked under your bed that need to be decluttered? What are some things you've been ignoring, just sitting, waiting, wishing they would go away? Ask God to reveal to you those areas, and be prepared, willing, and ready to declutter your heart.
Behold, He is ready to make those things new.
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