Saturday, May 18, 2013

1 Peter 3:10-11 “Whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it." (ESV)

I can remember the last time I wrote, but I cannot even remember the last time I wrote a blog post. 

With so much going on, I forget to slow down. I forget how to enjoy the good things in my life, and focus entirely too much on the bad. Too many times I have fallen into the negative trap. The trap many of us fall into daily. That trap where we feel like we are stuck. Stuck in the pattern of focusing only on the bad things around us. It is all about perspective and focus. 

The world can be all good with a some bad mixed in or the world can be all bad with some good mixed in. 

We are the ones who decide which one it is.

If you are anything like me, we get in that pattern of seeing the world as all bad with some good mixed in, because it is the easier thing to do. 

Easy is easy.
Hard is hard.

Obviously, right? 

What seems easier is being stuck in that view that the world is all bad with some good mixed in. We soak up all the bad. We are so quick to wish whatever situation we are in away and move on to the next. We never take time to just soak up the current once in a lifetime situation we are in. We have one life to love. We get this day, once. We get that experience, once. It is so hard to try and have a positive outlook on things. Be thankful for that "bad" situation that God is using to shape and mold us into everything He has created us to be. We forget that things just don't happen instantly. 

How good is instant coffee... How good is a lesson that was never planned... How tough are your abs you worked one day on... How good is a sculpture that was never sculpted? 

God is sculpting me now in every situation He walks me through. God is sculpting you in every situation He is walking you through. 

We can't rush Him. The most precious, and perfect artwork takes time. 

I challenge myself to soak up the situation. Be thankful for whatever it may be. Enjoy whatever it may be. God is using the whatever to make me into everything He has created me to be. 

Life is a beautiful mess, but we only have one life to love. Love the beautiful mess God allows you to partake in because sometimes, it takes a mess to make the best things

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