Friday, March 21, 2014

Isaiah 61:1&3 "He has sent me to bind up and heal the give them an ornament of beauty instead of ashes."

Happy Friday, blog readers.

It is very... off color... for me to write on a Friday evening. But hey, that's okay. When I feel prompted, I write.

Tonight with a not so light heart after a not so joyful week, I have been hit with a slight conviction.

I have come to a self righteous place in my life. A place where I have come to think I have laid all my burdens at the cross. That I have traded all my ashes in for beauty. That I am not hiding anything, nor am I still trying to hold onto anything. 

Thing is, I realized I was still covered in a lot of ash. Ash that has been covered up for a long time. Covered with new steps. New chapters. New things that have concealed it, only to have it wear off and still be there. Waiting on me. 

Throughout this week the lyrics from "At the foot of the cross" have been playing on repeat in my mind

I trade these ashes in for beauty. I wear forgiveness like a crown. Coming to kiss the feet of mercy. I lay every burden down.

Could not figure out why. Had not heard the song recently, but tonight, it makes sense. 

Scrolling through old pictures, playing the Facebook catch up game and such; and here came the thought "I think I have some buried burdens and hurt." Instantly I felt the Lord say "Bingo!"

I have past hurt from past relationships of all sorts. 
Betrayals. Lies. Bad choices. Pain. Hurt. Anger. Abandonment. 

Open wounds in my heart that I had never taken the time to work through. So much so that the reason I probably stay so busy is so I don't have to sit still. When I sit still those wounds start to seep open again.

For years upon years I have stayed busy to avoid them. To almost in a sense run from them. What has really happened is I have allowed them to grow. Almost laying dormant, gathering more and more and more waiting to explode. Instead of taking time to walk through the healing process, I have totally avoided it. 

Tonight, it's like God is saying "now trade those ashes in for beauty. Lay those burdens down at the foot of the cross, and be healed. Lets walk through those buried places, and let Me heal them. They have been waiting. I have been waiting. " 

I know that I am not the only one walking through a situation like this. The only one who has come to realize that desire to buy new clothes will never cover it. That the new job will never make it go away. That the newest hair style and make up will never make you feel healed. That even getting busy for the Lord will not help it go away.

I know that this may hit a special place in your heart tonight as you read this. I pray that it does, but not in a painful way. I pray that it reaches you in a peaceful way. A healing way. 

It's time for us to walk through old wounds. new wounds. buried burdens and hurt. and be healed.

I have not the slightest idea how God is going to work through those places in my heart (or yours) that need healing, but I know it will be good, and it is long overdue. 

Now, as I trade my ashes in for beauty, I pray that you do the same.

Happy healing.

Isaiah 61:1-3 

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor, and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up and heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the [physical and spiritual] captives and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound,
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord [the year of His favor] [a]and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn,

To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion—to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit—that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Mark 13:23 (AMP) But look to yourselves and be on your guard, I have told you everything beforehand.

"Technology and communication are very popular in our culture. We communicate every day using cell phones, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and more. It has become addicting for many of us and it is difficult to try and go any length of time without using some type of communication. It is hard not to pick up our cell phone and send a friend a text, yet few of us take time during the day to speak to God at all." -- DNOW Awake14 Session 2

If we are being honest here, which I always try to be. That quote right there is a big red flashing true statement in some of our lives. 

I've done it. You've done it. We've all done it.

Wake up. Turn alarm off. Check Twitter/Email/Facebook/Instagram and send a "I don't want to wake up" snap chat to somebody. You can tell me its not true, and I will tell you that you are lying. 

I've been there, I've done it. Check out blog posts from the very beginning, I believe I even said that it was the first thing I did in the mornings. Roll over check my notifications. So don't think I am trying to call you out. Y'all, I've been there too. Been on both sides and I am just trying to let you know which side of the fence is greener.

I am sure you have heard it time and time again to have quiet time in the morning. Get into the word. Exchange some words with Jesus before anybody else. And you know what, I firmly believe that some of you do that. BUT not before you get in touch with the world.

By "the world" here I mean that high dollar piece of technology you have glued to your hand. emails, texts, and all the social medias that are at your finger tips. 

I can hear some of you now "well I follow Jesus Calling, or daily bible verse." But hear me out, that still isn't enough.

If you get into the WORD before you get into the WORLD you will be much more on guard for the day.

in Mark 13, Jesus is talking with His disciples about what is to come when He returns. He is telling them what will happen and what they need to be ready for and doing. So verse 23 he tells them to look to yourselves and be on guard [be ready] because He has told them everything beforehand.

That verse in scripture is so applicable to what I am talking about with getting into the word first. 

In Mark 13 Jesus himself is able to talk with the disciples and fill them in on what is to come and what they should do. We don't have that opportunity today to go sit at the feet of Jesus on the Mount of Olives but we have access to His speaking and teachings daily through the Bible. 

If we aren't getting into the Word 1st thing in the morning expecting to meet with Jesus and allowing Him to have undivided attention from us, how can we be on guard throughout the days crazies? The Bible tells us how to handle a multitude of things that occur daily. If we take the time to study and listen to God beforehand [before those things happen] we will be able to be on guard and know what to do when they come about. 

This is a challenge I give to everybody I come in contact with that is looking to revive their walk or just wanting to dig deeper. Get in touch with the Word before you get in touch with the World.


Promise, if you take time to get up just a little bit earlier and get in touch with The Word first, you will be able to have a heart and mind that processes the days events through God's teachings and mindset. 

selflessness. love. peace. patience. clear mind. steadfastness. righteousness. pure. faithfulness

If you dive head first into the world first thing in the morning, you will have to processes things through the worlds filter.

selfishness. hatred. impatience. frustration. maliciousness. deceit. heartlessness. faithlessness. 

So now is the time for you to choose what you want to do. Which filter you want to process things through. Promise you that the daily crazies will come they are inevitable. No matter what you do they will be part of your day. You just have to make the decision of how you would like to view them and handle them. 

If you are looking through the world's filter, chances are that little wind that ruffles your feathers will turn into a big ole storm quickly. 

Get in The Word first so you can be prepared beforehand, so you can be on guard when that wind comes. 
